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  • 21. The weather app

    News The weather app The ever changing /about-imo/news/nr/2812
  • 22. The weather app improved

    News The weather app improved The ever /about-imo/news/nr/3224
  • 23. News

    News © Examples from the weather app /about-imo/news/bigimg/2812
  • 24. VI_2022_006_extreme

    that, the detrended timeseries would have had a net difference of zero if the negative values had not been set back to zero. This shows that over the 39 years of data, there was a slight precipitation increase for this grid-point. This trend has been removed, resulting in a detrended, almost flat dataset. 29 Figure 14. Regression lines for hourly precipitation timeseries of grid-point [100, 100] from /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2022/VI_2022_006_extreme.pdf
  • 25. VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef

    grundvelli myndatöku með flygildum og leysimælitæki (TLS) hefur verið notað við kortlagningu flóðfara og við mat á útbreiðslu og umfangi hlaupa. Þétt net jarðskjálftamæla, sem staðsettir eru á jökulskerjum eða grafnir í jökul, hefur gefið góða raun við ákvörðun á dýpi jarðskjálfta undir jöklum. Kvikuhreyfingar hafa þannig verið kortlagðar og myndun gosrása staðfest af meiri nákvæmni en áður. Þó /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef.pdf
  • 26. News

    News © Veðurstofa Íslands An example from the weather app. Two screenshots side by side /about-imo/news/bigimg/3224
  • 27. Safetravel

    has supported the Safetravel project since its beginning in 2010. ICE-SAR's office leads the project with the help of many SAR team members as well as others with thorough experience in travelling in Iceland in different conditions. Safetravel is supported by a number of sponsoring companies. SOS Iceland app The newest option is SOS Iceland, an app which is easy to use. It can be used /about-imo/news/nr/2497
  • 28. Safetravel

    project since its beginning in 2010. ICE-SAR's office leads the project with the help of many SAR team members as well as others with thorough experience in travelling in Iceland in different conditions. Safetravel is supported by a number of sponsoring companies. 112 Iceland app An option is 112 Iceland, an app which is easy to use. It can be used in emergency, if an accident occurs /about-imo/news/nr/2707
  • 29. Safetravel

    -SAR's office leads the project with the help of many SAR team members as well as others with thorough experience in travelling in Iceland in different conditions. Safetravel is supported by a number of sponsoring companies. 112 Iceland app An option is 112 Iceland, an app which is easy to use. It can be used in emergency, if an accident occurs or if someone is lost. Tourist can also leave /about-imo/news/nr/2878
  • 30. Safetravel in winter

    night and day, all year round. 112 Iceland app Safetravel provides 112 Iceland, an app which is easy to use. It can be used in emergency, if an accident occurs or if someone is lost. Tourist can also leave their "trail" in case of search. From Safetravel's web-site, the app can be downloaded for either Android phones, Windows phones or iPhone: First of all you can call for help by pressing /about-imo/news/nr/3220

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