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  • 61. Avalanche bulletin - Tröllaskagi

    .a tspan, .sa-active .text .sa tspan, .s-active .text .s tspan, .sv-active .text .sv tspan, .v-active .text .v tspan, .nv-active .text .nv tspan { fill: #1F4E78; font-size: 120%; font-weight: 700; font-size: 120%; } /* Staða */ .status { /* width: 267px; height: 249px; */ width: 80px; height: 74px; } .status .arrow { fill: #6d8fae; display: none; } .status .indic /avalanches/forecast/trollaskagi/
  • 62. VI_2022_006_extreme

    that, the detrended timeseries would have had a net difference of zero if the negative values had not been set back to zero. This shows that over the 39 years of data, there was a slight precipitation increase for this grid-point. This trend has been removed, resulting in a detrended, almost flat dataset. 29 Figure 14. Regression lines for hourly precipitation timeseries of grid-point [100, 100] from /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2022/VI_2022_006_extreme.pdf
  • 63. VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef

    grundvelli myndatöku með flygildum og leysimælitæki (TLS) hefur verið notað við kortlagningu flóðfara og við mat á útbreiðslu og umfangi hlaupa. Þétt net jarðskjálftamæla, sem staðsettir eru á jökulskerjum eða grafnir í jökul, hefur gefið góða raun við ákvörðun á dýpi jarðskjálfta undir jöklum. Kvikuhreyfingar hafa þannig verið kortlagðar og myndun gosrása staðfest af meiri nákvæmni en áður. Þó /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef.pdf
  • 64. Re-evaluation needed of the size of the hazard area

    05.04 at 15:40Photos of two new volcanic fissures near to the initial eruption site in Geldingadalir, located approximately 700 meters NE of the craters in Geldingadalir. The new fissures are in total 200 meters long. The lava from the fissures is non viscous and flows fast in a narrow lava-river into Meradalir valley, east of the new fissures, where a new lava field is forming. Photos: Björn /about-imo/news/new-fissure-near-the-eruption-site-in-geldingadalir
  • 65. Early work and an overview of measurements

    Nansen both wrote interesting papers on the subject after Thoroddsen died. Their conclusions were similar to Thoroddsen's. These supported the work of the Danish scientist Speerschneider, the compiler of sources on ice off the coast of Denmark from AD 700 onwards. He concluded that no significant long-term changes had occured during this period. Thoroddsen did exchange views with the differently /climatology/articles/nr/1138
  • 66. Early work and an overview of measurements

    Nansen both wrote interesting papers on the subject after Thoroddsen died. Their conclusions were similar to Thoroddsen's. These supported the work of the Danish scientist Speerschneider, the compiler of sources on ice off the coast of Denmark from AD 700 onwards. He concluded that no significant long-term changes had occured during this period. Thoroddsen did exchange views with the differently /climatology/articles/nr/1138/
  • 67. A minor eruption underway

    is considered small at this stage and the volcanic activity has somewhat decreased since yesterday evening. The eruptive fissure is appr. 500 - 700 m long. The lava area is less than 1 km2 covering an area that is appr. 500 m wide. Lava fountains are small and lava flows are currently a very local hazard. The seismic activity is minor and spread around the Fagradalsfjall area. There is no indication /about-imo/news/earthquake-swarm-in-reykjanes-peninsula
  • 68. Bardarbunga_kafli20140825

    have extensive ice cover. The 2009 m high Bárðarbunga central volcano lies at the NW edge of the ice cap, with only its NW slopes ice free. It is dominated by a 80 km2 and up to 700 m deep ice-filled caldera. Bedrock rises to 1850 m in the northwest caldera rim and is lowest in a narrow gap the east rim where minimum elevation is 1350 m. The ice free fissure swarm north of Vatnajökull strikes /media/jar/Bardarbunga_kafli20140825.pdf
  • 69. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

  • 70. VI_2015_007

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