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  • 41. VAT_newsletter_2018_06

    Lifandi kennslu stofa í lolags breytingumA natural laboratory to study climate change Jöklar ÍslandsIcelandic glaciers Yrlit um íslenska jökla í árslok  Jöklar á Íslandi hafa hopað hratt í rúma tvo áratugi og er rýrnun þeirra einhver helsta aeiðing hlýnandi loslags hérlendis og skýr vitnis burð- ur um hlýn un ina. Hér er gerð stutt grein fyr ir breytingum á jökl un um síðan um aldamótin /media/Eplicanámskeið/VAT_newsletter_2018_06.pdf
  • 42. Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson

    and a true friend - always ready to help, whether the problem involved deciphering convoluted computer codes, delving into the mysteries of the SIL system, making presentable documents using LaTeX, or discussing life, the universe and everything. Publications Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, Gylfi P. Hersir og Knútur Árnason 1987. Viðnámsmælingar, fræðileg úttekt, mæling og /earthquakes-and-volcanism/conferences/jsr-2009/sigurdur/
  • 43. Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson

    and a true friend - always ready to help, whether the problem involved deciphering convoluted computer codes, delving into the mysteries of the SIL system, making presentable documents using LaTeX, or discussing life, the universe and everything. Publications Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, Gylfi P. Hersir og Knútur Árnason 1987. Viðnámsmælingar, fræðileg úttekt, mæling og /earthquakes-and-volcanism/conferences/jsr-2009/sigurdur
  • 44. VI_2020_004

    indicate that inhabited regions might be exposed to heavy tephra fallout. In the light of this outcome it is recommended that exposed regions have in place plans to implement regular roof cleaning to avoid accumulation of critical load potentially causing collapse and damages to house and buildings. 11 Ágrip Eldgos eru margvísleg og geta þróast á mismunandi hátt. Í sprengigosi /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_004.pdf
  • 45. hafisskyrsla_11052011

    Hafísskýrsla TF-SIF 11. maí 2011 Flug nr. 03511.025 Ískönnunarflug 11. maí 2011 Í dag var farið í ískönnunarflug um vesturmið. Enginn hafís var sjáanlegur í íslenskri lögsögu, en þéttur hafís rétt inn þeirrar grænlensku. Gerðum hafískönnun með SLAR ratsjá og ELTA eftirlitsratsjá. Skyggni á svæðinu leifði ekki athugun með berum augum. Hér að neðan fylgir punktalisti yfir legu /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/hafisskyrsla_11052011.pdf
  • 46. hafisskyrsla-23-mars-2011

    Reykjavík 23. mars 2011. Til:Veðurstofu Íslands. Frá: Landhelgisgæslu Íslands. Efni: Hafískönnun 23 mars 2011. Miðvikudaginn 23. mars 2011 fór þyrla Landhelgisgæslunar í ísleiðangur og var flogið norður með Vestfjörðum. Komið var að ísröndinni út af Látrabjargi og henni fylgt til norðausturs um eftirfarandi staði. 1. 65°50N 026°56V 2. 66°08N 026°26V 3. 66°16N 026°22V 4. 66°22N 025 /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/hafisskyrsla-23-mars-2011.pdf
  • 47. Bárðarbunga 2014 - August events

    line shows the number of all measured earthquakes but the red line shows the number of earthquakes above 1.5 in magnitude. During these years, the measuring net has improved and become more sensitive. That is the reason for showing the larger earthquakes separately. 18 August 2014 20:45 - An overview of the first three days Since the onset of the earthquake swarm at Bárðarbunga on Saturday /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3000
  • 48. Bardarbunga-2014_August-events

    in 1991. The blue dashed line shows the number of all measured earthquakes but the red line shows the number of earthquakes above 1.5 in magnitude. During these years, the measuring net has improved and become more sensitive. That is the reason for showing the larger earthquakes separately. 18 August 2014 20:45 - An overview of the first three days Since the onset of the earthquake swarm /media/jar/Bardarbunga-2014_August-events.pdf
  • 49. Bárðarbunga 2014 - August events

    line shows the number of all measured earthquakes but the red line shows the number of earthquakes above 1.5 in magnitude. During these years, the measuring net has improved and become more sensitive. That is the reason for showing the larger earthquakes separately. 18 August 2014 20:45 - An overview of the first three days Since the onset of the earthquake swarm at Bárðarbunga on Saturday /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3000/
  • 50. NONAM_1st_workshop_summary_v3

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