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  • 81. Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS

    and possibly the stake- holders at different phases of the modelling project. Many QA guidelines exist such as Middlemis (2000) and Van Waveren et al. (1999). The HarmoniQuA project (Schol- ten et al., 2007; Refsgaard et al., 2005a) has developed a com- prehensive set of QA guidelines for multiple modelling domains combined with a supporting software tool, MoST (downloadable via http /media/loftslag/Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS.pdf
  • 82. Hare_2-participation

    Kick-off meeting Administration a73 Landkreis Osnabrück ● FD Planen u. Bauen ● FD Umwelt a73 Samtgemeinde Bersenbrück Agriculture & Forestry a73 Landwirtschaftsamt Osnabrück a73 Hauptverband des Osnabrücker Landvolkes a73 Gartenbaubetrieb a73 Maschinenring und Betriebs- hilfedienst Artland e.V a73 Forstamt Osnabrück a73 Kreisforstverband Environmental Organisation a73 Naturschutzbund Osnabrück /media/loftslag/Hare_2-participation.pdf
  • 83. VI_2017_009

    In Chapter 3 we focus on the following monthly averages: Near-surface 2 meter temperature (TAS), total precipitation (TP), and sea ice cover (SI). In Chapter 4 we add surface air pressure (PSL) and snow cover thickness (SNCT). The following daily fields will be studied as well: Near-surface wind speeds, (U and V sfcWind), maximum near-surface 2 meter temperature (TASMAX), minimum mean-surface 2 meter /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2017/VI_2017_009.pdf
  • 84. 2012-Refsgaard_etal-uncertainty_climate-change-adaptation-MITI343

    e in relatio n to climat echang eadapt ation .X ,X X ,XX X is a ge n era lguid eo n th e relativ e imp ortanc e leve lo fth e sourc es , alth oug h it mus tb e em phasise d tha tth e imp ortanc e o fth e indi vidua lsou rce s o fun certaint y is co n tex tspe cifi c St ep si n cl im at e ch an ge ad ap tat io n an al ys es (ch ain in u n ce rta in ty ca sc ad e, Fi g. 2) So ur ce s o fu n ce rta /media/loftslag/2012-Refsgaard_etal-uncertainty_climate-change-adaptation-MITI343.pdf
  • 85. Kok_2-scenarios-lecture-2

    (2000) Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: applications in education. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 15, 1-25. Khan, M.S. and Quaddus, M. (2004) Group decision support using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for causal reasoning. Group Decision and Negotiation 13, 463-480. Kosko, B. (1986) Fuzzy cognitive maps. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 24, 65-75. Özesmi, U. and Özesmi, S.L. (2003 /media/loftslag/Kok_2-scenarios-lecture-2.pdf

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