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  • 61. Severe weather tomorrow

    against travelling in the northern og western parts of the country tonight and tomorrow. The forecast: NE 20-25 m/s and snow in the Westfjords in the afternoon. N and NE 18-33 m/s (Beaufort force 9 and in places hurricane force, 12) in the western part tonight and tomorrow, most windy in the Westfjords and the southern side of Snæfellsnes. Much weaker winds in the East, Southeast and in forecast area /about-imo/news/nr/2609
  • 62. 2015-03-12_vatnsvedurogstormar_en

    tomorrow. Heavy precipitation in the south and the southeast next two days. On Saturday expect even worse weather over the whole country the whole day. Travelling may be very dangerous. More information on the Met. Office web, Icelandic Met. Office, Thursday. 12. Mars 2015 at 16:30. Forecasters on duty: Birta Líf Kristinsdóttir, Elín Björk Jónasdóttir og Björn Sævar /media/frettir/myndasafn/2015/2015-03-12_vatnsvedurogstormar_en.pdf
  • 63. Early work and an overview of measurements

    Séð yfir akur og tún að Skálholti. Early work /climatology/articles/nr/1138
  • 64. Early work and an overview of measurements

    Séð yfir akur og tún að Skálholti. Early work /climatology/articles/nr/1138/
  • 65. VI_2020_008

    Þórarinsdóttir, Matthew James Roberts Skýrsla nr. Dags. ISSN Opin Lokuð VÍ 2020-008 Október 2020 1670-8261 Skilmálar: Heiti skýrslu / Aðal- og undirtitill: Upplag: 14 Reassessment of precipitation return levels in Iceland Fjöldi síðna: 138 Framkvæmdastjóri sviðs: Jórunn Harðardóttir Höfundar: Verkefnisstjóri: Andréa-Giorgio R. Massad, Guðrún Nína Petersen, Tinna Þórarinsdóttir og /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_008.pdf
  • 66. VED_AnnualReport-2013_screen

    hluta Þjórsár árin –. Reykjavík, Landsvirkjun, LV-- /VÍ-/. Eydís Salóme Eiríksdóttir, R. A. Neely, Svava Björk Þorláksdóttir & Sigurður Reynir Gíslason (). Efnasamsetning, rennsli og aurburður Norðurár í Norðurárdal II: Gagnagrunnur Jarðvísindastofnunar og Veðurstofunnar. Raun- vísindastofnun Háskólans RH--,  s. Eydís Salóme Eiríksdóttir, Sigurður Reynir /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VED_AnnualReport-2013_screen.pdf
  • 67. Hydropower - Glacier, Snow and Ice

    Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Á.E., Daníelsdóttir, A.K. , Snorrason, Á., Sigurðsson, B.D., Sveinbjörnsson, E., Viggósson, G., Sigurjónsson, J., Baldursson, S., Þorvaldsdóttir S., & Jónsson, T. (2008). Hnattrænar loftslagsbreytingar og áhrif þeirra á Íslandi - Skýrsla vísindanefndar um loftslagsbreytingar (Global climate change and their effect on Iceland - A report of a expert committee on climate change /ces/publications/nr/1940
  • 68. Publications

    A., & Martinsen, T. (2006). Climate and Energy 2003-2006, Solar energy: Thermal and PV. CE flyer 7. [Flyer] General information about the CE project Hisdal, H. (2004). The R&D-project Climate and Energy (FoU-prosjektet Klima og Energi), Temaartikkel in Hydrologisk månedsoversikt: NVE, Oslo. [Text] Hisdal, H. (2005). Latest news from Climate and Energy. Presentation, Seminar on hydropower hydrology /climatology/research/ce/publications/

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