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  • 11. vanRoosmalen_etal-2009-WRR_2007WR006760

    with 20% and 2% for the HIRHAM experiments using HadAM3H and with 30% and 7% for the ECHAM- driven experiments for Middle Europe and Scandinavia, respectively. [18] RCM output is not available for the entire period 1961–2100 because transient RCM simulations are com- putationally very demanding. Instead two 30-year time slices are available; one representative for the climate in the period 1961–1990 /media/loftslag/vanRoosmalen_etal-2009-WRR_2007WR006760.pdf
  • 12. VI_2020_005

  • 13. VI_2014_005

    in an overall cold bias, compared with station measurements. To test, whether this is due to the HARMONIE model core or the external surface scheme, biases of 2-m temperature from SURFEX are com- pared with biases of temperature projected from the lowest two model levels to 2 mAGL. It is found that the negative temperature biases are due to shallow inversion layers near the ground, which are introduced /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2014/VI_2014_005.pdf
  • 14. Henriksen_Barlebo-2008-AWM_BBN-Journ_Env_Management

    improving management policies and practices by learning from the outcomes of implemented management strategies. Partici- patory integrated assessment is here a form of problem structuring for identification of gaps, ambiguity and multiple frames, confrontation, and integration of the most divergent views with respect to a given problem situation. Additional methods and tools that AM require com /media/loftslag/Henriksen_Barlebo-2008-AWM_BBN-Journ_Env_Management.pdf
  • 15. IPPC-2007-ar4_syr

    warming and im- pacts than was made in the TAR. That assessment concluded that “there is high confidence2 that recent regional changes in tempera- ture have had discernible impacts on physical and biological sys- tems”. {WGII SPM} Observational evidence from all continents and most oceans shows that many natural systems are being affected by re- gional climate changes, particularly temperature /media/loftslag/IPPC-2007-ar4_syr.pdf
  • 16. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    ; fax: +358 20 490 2590. E-mail address: (N. Veijalainen). Journal of Hydrology 391 (2010) 333–350 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate / jhydrol Author's personal copy narios from GCMs or RCMs, and with different emission scenarios (e.g. Menzel et al., 2006; Minville et al., 2008; Prudhomme and Da /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 17. GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen

    the principalmethods have not changed much over the years, theamount of field work has varied. In the first 15 yearsthe monitoring programme at Storbreen was com-prehensive, often three or more snow density pits were dug, snow depth was measured at about 600points and ablation was measured on 30 stakes evenly distri uted on the glacier (Liestøl 1967).Based on experience of the snow pattern, the ob- servations /media/ces/GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen.pdf
  • 18. Hare-2011-ParticipatoryModelling

    Simulatio n mode l (scientific ) Im pr o ve m o de l (quality ) Fa rm er s, Fa rm busines s advisor sNO P IN D Interview s NO P IN D Qu es tio n n ai re – verificatio n NO P OT :Researcher s M KA/ M M (re nements ) KA M Has e I Simulatio n mode l (scientific ; discussio n su pp o rt ) Im pr o ve m o de l (quality , acceptance ) Farmers ,loca l authorities , association s IN D Reques t fo rdat a N /media/loftslag/Hare-2011-ParticipatoryModelling.pdf
  • 19. Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change

    at the operational/local level. A calibrated approach (standardized questionnaires and interviews, expert judgment, and reinterpretation of out- comes by means of relevant literature) was used to com- pare the state of affairs in water management in the selected case-studies. Adaptive and integrated water management Given the expected increase of climate-related extreme events, water governance capabilities /media/loftslag/Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change.pdf
  • 20. VI_2009_006_tt

    to theoretical framework. I do also want to thank him for an enjoyable time during this work, both in the office and in the field. This work was carried out as a part of the Skaftá cauldrons research project which was funded and supported by the Icelandic Centre For Research (RANNÍS), Kvískerja- sjóður, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, Landsvirkjun (the National Power Com- pany), the National Energy /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_006_tt.pdf

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