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  • 21. Gudmundsson-etal-2011-PR-7282-26519-1-PB

    -corrected SPOT 5 high-resolution geometric (HRG) images with 2.5 m 2.5 m spatial resolution, acquired in the autumn 2003 and (4) airborne polarimetric synthetic aperture radar images observed simultaneously to the 1998 EMISAR images and the EMISAR DEM viewed as a shaded relief image (Magnu´sson et al. 2005b). We estimate the average specific net mass balance (in m yr1 w. eq.) as bn r DV A1  N /media/ces/Gudmundsson-etal-2011-PR-7282-26519-1-PB.pdf
  • 22. Group4

    ); new long-term investment strategy prioritizing low- or zero-net carbon forms of mobility 2040 Modal shift in logistics chains, especially within heavy industry. 3.3 Backcasting scenario narrative Low-Impact Mobility Project Evaluation (LIMPE) Climate change is occurring. Is it natural or anthropogenic? It doesn’t matter. Even though the future is inherently uncertain, one certainty /media/loftslag/Group4.pdf
  • 23. VI_2022_006_extreme

    that, the detrended timeseries would have had a net difference of zero if the negative values had not been set back to zero. This shows that over the 39 years of data, there was a slight precipitation increase for this grid-point. This trend has been removed, resulting in a detrended, almost flat dataset. 29 Figure 14. Regression lines for hourly precipitation timeseries of grid-point [100, 100] from /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2022/VI_2022_006_extreme.pdf
  • 24. VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef

    grundvelli myndatöku með flygildum og leysimælitæki (TLS) hefur verið notað við kortlagningu flóðfara og við mat á útbreiðslu og umfangi hlaupa. Þétt net jarðskjálftamæla, sem staðsettir eru á jökulskerjum eða grafnir í jökul, hefur gefið góða raun við ákvörðun á dýpi jarðskjálfta undir jöklum. Kvikuhreyfingar hafa þannig verið kortlagðar og myndun gosrása staðfest af meiri nákvæmni en áður. Þó /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef.pdf
  • 25. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    precipitation and time of year (an index for available net radiation) (Vehviläinen and Huttunen, 1997). This equation has been calibrated and verified against observations of Class A pan evaporation values (Vehviläinen and Huttunen, 1997). The actual evaporation is calculated from potential evapora- tion and the soil moisture deficit. The changes in temperature and precipitation affect /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 26. CASE_A___Jes_Pedersen_(Region_Midt,_Dk)_Introduction

    increased net precipitation and increased rainfall intensity put pressure on the sewage system and the lake dam. Flooding of the town is expected to occur more frequently. Future flooding storms could be as high as 2,5 meters. The challenges have been divided into two main themes: sea level change and rainfall. NONAM Risk Assessment and Stakeholder Investment. Multidisciplinary Workshop /media/loftslag/CASE_A___Jes_Pedersen_(Region_Midt,_Dk)_Introduction.pdf
  • 27. Case_A___Horsens_Fjord

    increased net precipitation and increased rainfall intensity put pressure on the sewage system and the lake dam. Flooding of the town is expected to occur more frequently. Future flooding storms could be as high as 2,5 meters. The challenges have been divided into two main themes: sea level change and rainfall. NONAM Risk Assessment and Stakeholder Investment. Multidisciplinary Workshop /media/loftslag/Case_A___Horsens_Fjord.pdf
  • 28. Horsens_case

    fiord area. Adaptive challenges due to changes in regional groundwater level An increase in sea level will cause more frequent flooding in the town due to its low lying position by the fjord. In 2006, the local town hall was flooded when sea level rose to 1.76 m above normal. Simultaneously, increased net precipitation and increased rainfall intensity put pressure on the sewage system /media/loftslag/Horsens_case.pdf
  • 29. Outline_for_the_case_Road_maintenance_in_a_changing_climate

    NONAM PhD course – Adaptive management in relation to climate change – Copenhagen 21-26/8/2011 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Outline for the case Road maintenance in a changing climate Introduction Roads and transport systems are vulnerable to climate change impacts (VTT 2011; Koetse and Rietveld, 2009; Regmi & Hanaoka, 2011; Road ERA-net 2009 & 2010 /media/loftslag/Outline_for_the_case_Road_maintenance_in_a_changing_climate.pdf
  • 30. VI_2014_005

    and direction, as well as air temperature, from the IMO operational surface station net- work. Most anemometers are installed at 10 m above ground level (mAGL). However, at some stations, surface winds are measured at different heights, h, varying between 4.0 and 18.3 m. 3This is done using a GRIB-API command on Parameter 141 (snow depth) in the earliest boundary data file: grib_set -f -d 0.0 -w /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2014/VI_2014_005.pdf

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