
96 results were found for Suchmaschinen 🔍


  • 1. Staff members

    Email: gs (hjá) Division: Infrastructure Divsion Hydrological observation networks. Search Search /about-imo/employees/persona/126/fyrirtaeki/2
  • 2. Eyjafjallajokull_status_2010-04-28_IES_IMO

    Eruption in Eyjafjallajökull Status Report: 19:00 GMT, 28 April 2010 Icelandic Meteorological Office and Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Compiled by: MJR / SSJ / MTG / FS / SRG / GS / KH Based on: IMO seismic monitoring; IES-IMO GPS monitoring; IMO river gauges; web cameras of the eruption site from Vodafone, Mila, and Múlakot; IMO weather radar measurements; information /media/jar/Eyjafjallajokull_status_2010-04-28_IES_IMO.pdf
  • 3. Eyjafjallajokull_status_2010-04-29_IES_IMO

    Eruption in Eyjafjallajökull Status Report: 18:00 GMT, 29 April 2010 Icelandic Meteorological Office and Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Compiled by: MJR / HB / MTG / SSJ / GS / BO Based on: IMO seismic monitoring; IES-IMO GPS monitoring; IMO river gauges; web cameras of the eruption site from Vodafone, Mila, and Múlakot; IMO weather radar measurements; information /media/jar/Eyjafjallajokull_status_2010-04-29_IES_IMO.pdf
  • 4. Eyjafjallajokull_status_2010-04-30_IES_IMO

    Eruption in Eyjafjallajökull Status Report: 17:00 GMT, 30 April 2010 Icelandic Meteorological Office and Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Compiled by: MJR / MTG / FS / GS / SSJ Based on: IMO seismic monitoring; IES-IMO GPS monitoring; IMO hydrological data; web cameras of the eruption site from Vodafone, Mila, and Múlakot; IMO weather radar measurements; information from /media/jar/Eyjafjallajokull_status_2010-04-30_IES_IMO.pdf
  • 5. VI_2020_005

    analysis in Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.2 Coastal flooding risk analysis in Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.3 Coastal flooding risk analysis in Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.4 Coastal flooding risk analysis in the UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.4.1 Coastal flooding risk analysis in England /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_005.pdf
  • 6. Kok_JGEC658_2009

  • 7. Sitemap

    Sitemap | Observations | Icelandic Meteorological office Invalid parameter 'g'. Its value is: 41/ but should be an integer. Sitemap Front page Text forecasts | Station forecasts | El. forecasts | Observations Large quakes | Latest quakes | © IMO - Bústaðavegur 9 | 150 Reykjavík | Tel: 522 6000 /m/observations/areas
  • 8. VI_2017_009

    domain in the eight main cases. The periods calculated are the entire 21st century (2000–2100), the mid- century (2041–2060), and the late-century (2081–2100). For explanation of these cases see Table 3. Case GCM,RCM,RCP Mid-century Late-century Entire 21st century 1 HAD,RCA4,45 .28 .27 .29 3 HAD,COSMO,45 .26 .25 .26 5 MPI,RCA4,45 .24 .16 .26 7 MPI,COSMO,45 .22 .15 .21 2 HAD,RCA4,85 .33 .41 /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2017/VI_2017_009.pdf
  • 9. Sea ice in May 2010

    An ice edge was observed in the area from 67°31'N and 023°35'W to 66°41'N and 23°43'W. Westerlies were a little more prevailing in the Greenland Strait and north of Iceland than on average /sea-ice/monthly/2010/nr/2340
  • 10. IPPC-2007-ar4_syr

    influence models using only natural forcings models using both natural and anthropogenic forcings observations 41 Topic 2 Causes of change on the hydrological cycle, including the observed large-scale pat- terns of changes in land precipitation over the 20th century. It is more likely than not that human influence has contributed to a glo- bal trend towards increases in area affected by drought since /media/loftslag/IPPC-2007-ar4_syr.pdf

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