to avalances:
An overview of the need for avalanche protection measures in Iceland (IMO Rep. 96004, 1996, authors T. Jóhannesson, K. Lied, S. Margreth and F. Sandersen) [summary of IMO publication 96003/96004] (html)
Adaptation of the Swiss Guidelines for supporting structures for Icelandic conditions (IMO Int. Rep. 99013, 1999, authors T. Jóhannesson and S. Margreth) (pdf 0.1 Mb)
Elíasson, J., Rögnvaldsson, Ó. & Jónsson, T. (2009). Extracting statistical parameters of extreme precipitation from a NWP model. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 2233-2240, November 2009.
Jylhä, K., Tuomenvirta, H., Ruosteenoja, K., Niemi-Hugaerts, H., Keisu, K. & Karhu, J.A. (2010). Observed and projected future shifts of climatic zones in Europe, and their use to visualize climate change
at the operational/local level.
A calibrated approach (standardized questionnaires and
interviews, expert judgment, and reinterpretation of out-
comes by means of relevant literature) was used to com-
pare the state of affairs in water management in the
selected case-studies.
Adaptive and integrated water management
Given the expected increase of climate-related extreme
events, water governance capabilities
to be simple and therefore has important drawbacks.
Future improvements should be made in the light of applications within a larger toolbox of scenario
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Global Environmental Change
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the two reanalyses exist primarily over Green-
land, where the amplitude of the seasonal cycle in ERA-Interim is reduced, with up to 5 K higher
temperatures than ERA-40 in winter, and up to 5 K lower temperatures in summer (not shown).
Elsewhere, differences are small and unsystematic.
As described by Simmons et al. (2006) and Berrisford et al. (2009), compared with ERA-40, sev-
eral improvements
variability pattern on a decadal scale,
mainly through wind and pressure forcing but also through steric effects (Dangendorf, Calafat, et
al., 2014; Dangendorf, Wahl, et al., 2012; Madsen, 2009; K. Richter, Nilsen, and Drange, 2012;
Yan, Tsimplis, and Woolf, 2004). Decadal sea level variability over open North Atlantic ocean,
especially the Subpolar North Atlantic, in the satellite altimetry era
be ordered at the EU Bookshop and it can be accessed on the web both as PDF suitable for the screen (1.5 Mb) and in higher resolution suitable for printing (27.9 Mb).
Edited by T. Jóhannesson of the Icelandic Meteorological Office and by P. Gauer, P. Issler and K. Lied of the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Contributions by M. Barbolini, U. Domaas, T. Faug, P. Gauer, K. M. Hákonardóttir, C. B
24 July 2010
This manuscript was handled by K.
Georgakakos, Editor-in-Chief, with the
assistance of Ercan Kahya, Associate Editor
Climate change
Hydrological modelling
Flood inundation area
Hydraulic modelling
s u m m a r y
This paper provides a general overview of changes in flooding caused by climate change in Finland for the
periods 2010–2039 and 2070–2099. Changes
a systematic com-
parison of results to observed precipitation has been carried out. Un-
dercatchment of solid precipitation is dealt with by looking only at
days when precipitation is presumably liquid or by considering the
occurrence and non-occurrence of precipitation. Away from non-
resolved orography, the long term means (months, years) of observed
and simulated precipitation are often
rescaling a dimensionless regional flood frequency distribution or growth curve, qR(D;T ), com-
mon to all sites of the homogeneous region, with the so-called index flood, µi(D), of the target
bQi(D;T ) = µi(D)qR(D;T ); (1)
where bQi(D;T ) is the estimated flood quantile, i.e. the T -year flood peak discharge averaged
over duration D, at site i. The regional growth curve, qR(D;T