
85 results were found for Anonyma sökmotorer 🔍


  • 21. Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20141114

    Convection of sulphuric dioxide from the crater appears to be constant.  Seismic activity in Bardarbunga continues to be strong but number of earthquakes stronger then M5,0 seem to be decreasing. The biggest earthquakes that were detected over the last two days were yesterday, 13. November at 20:46 of magnitude M4,9 and at 23:08 of magnitude M4,8. In total 17 earthquakes bigger then M4,0 were /media/jar/Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20141114.pdf
  • 22. Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20141121

    between M3,0-3,9. In total 170 earthquakes were detected in Bardarbunga since noon on Wednesday.  On Thursday, 20 November at 08:46 an earthquake of magnitude M1,9 was detected in the dyke. Three other earthquakes larger then M1,5 were detected in the dyke since Wednesday. In total 65 earthquakes were detected in the dyke over the period, which is more activity then has been detected over /media/jar/Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20141121.pdf
  • 23. Climatic-Change-2012---Personality-type-differences-between-Ph.D.-climate-experts-and-general-public---implications-for-communication

    personality types of early career climate scientist were different from the National Representative Sample in the United States on 3 of the 4 dichotomies analyzed (Fig. 1): S/N, T/F and J/P. The proportions of Extraverts (54%) and Introverts (46%) among Table 2 Personality type preferences for the 209 recent, interdisciplinary Ph.D. graduates who participated in the DISCCRS and NGPR symposia. Data /media/loftslag/Climatic-Change-2012---Personality-type-differences-between-Ph.D.-climate-experts-and-general-public---implications-for-communication.pdf
  • 24. CES_D2.4_task1

    67 STYKKISHOLMUR IS +65:04:24 -22:43:39 14 TP 68 TEIGARHORN IS +64:40:59 -15:13:39 22 TP 69 VESTMANNAEYJAR IS +63:24:00 -20:16:59 118 T 106 HAMMER ODDE FYR DK +55:18:00 +14:46:59 11 TP 107 VESTERVIG DK +56:46:00 +08:19:00 18 TP 108 GRONBAEK-ALLINGSKOVGARD DK +56:16:59 +09:37 /media/ces/CES_D2.4_task1.pdf
  • 25. Climate and Modeling Scenarios

    Assembly 2009. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 11. ISSN: 1029-7006. Kjellström, E., Nikulin, G. & Bärring, L. (2010d). Climate change in the Baltic Sea area in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Proc. of 6th study conference on BALTEX 2010, 14-18 June 2010. International BALTEX Secretariat Publication No. 46, ISSN 1681-6471, 24-25. Kjellström, E., Nikulin, G., Hansson, U /ces/publications/nr/1680
  • 26. VI_2020_008

  • 27. Earthquakes last 48 hours

    :05Check.13.8 km NE of Hvolsvöllur 1.529.04 21:00:31Check.1.7 km NE of Grímsfjall 0.329.04 20:39:39Check.5.7 km W of Þjórsárbrú 0.629.04 20:33:17Check.0.2 km WNW of Krýsuvík 0.629.04 20:31:53Check.3.1 km NE of Herðubreið 0.129.04 20:26:24Check.3.7 km SE of Hvannadalshnjúkur 2.429.04 20:24:30Check.175.2 km NNE of Kolbeinsey 0.529.04 19:46:44Check.5.2 km W /m/earthquakes/latest
  • 28. Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM

    estuary with an area of 46 km2 and mean water depth 2.9m. The catchment of Horsens has an area of 517 km2 and 75% of the area is agriculture. The area has two mean creaks, named Bygholm å and Hansted å, as well as other small streams. Coastal areas are especially vulnerable to Climate Change (IPCC, 2007). The sea level rising may bring more and more flash flood to the coastal area. The fjord /media/loftslag/Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM.pdf
  • 29. VI_2019_009

    - 26,83,84 - 27,87 - 70,71 - 72,73 - 74. ............................ 28 21 From left to right, the horizontal axis has the following SYNOP codes (manual station): The first is 10, the second is 11 & 41, the third is 40 and to the right is 46. 29 22 Number of records as a function of height of the 1st cloud layer from the manual and automatic stations /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2019/VI_2019_009.pdf
  • 30. BIIS_windrose_2005-2014

    of observations for wind direction) Icelandic Met Office 02. júl. 2015 2 6 3 2 14 2 23 3 46 0 72 5 34 3 10 8 2 5 5 4 3 5 1 2 5 1 6 2 6 2 5 5 3 11 8 10 6 6 2 3 5 2 7 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 6 6 Wind rose BIIS July 2005−2014 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 2010360350340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 5 10 /media/vedur/BIIS_windrose_2005-2014.pdf

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