a systematic com-
parison of results to observed precipitation has been carried out. Un-
dercatchment of solid precipitation is dealt with by looking only at
days when precipitation is presumably liquid or by considering the
occurrence and non-occurrence of precipitation. Away from non-
resolved orography, the long term means (months, years) of observed
and simulated precipitation are often
exist that reach
back to early 19th century but most series are much shorter (Hamlington and Thompson, 2016). In
contrast, satellite altimetry has only been available since the early 1990’s. Satellite altimetry mea-
sures the sea surface height, namely the sea level compared to a fixed reference frame (the center of
the earth, the geoid or a reference ellipsoid) for latitudes up to 66 N and S (ESA
management policies and practices by learning from the
outcomes of implemented management strategies. Partici-
patory integrated assessment is here a form of problem
structuring for identification of gaps, ambiguity and
multiple frames, confrontation, and integration of the
most divergent views with respect to a given problem
Additional methods and tools that AM require com/media/loftslag/Henriksen_Barlebo-2008-AWM_BBN-Journ_Env_Management.pdf
indicatorOfParameter=141 <earliest boundary data filename>
<modified filename>. Glaciers are defined as permanent snow and ice in the model, and are described by
static fields in the surface scheme.
These differences are taken into account following WMO guidelines (WMO, 2008), whereby
wind speeds are projected to 10 mAGL by
S(10m) = S(h)
: (1)
For Iceland the surface roughness length z0
Manage- Basic Purchase Road Road net- Const- Acquisi- Govern- Com- Participati- Value Miscel- Total 2009
ment and road of equip- system work post- ruction tion of ment missi- on of the added laneous cost
operating manage- ment develop- poned-, of land grants ons European tax over- level
costs ment ment comprehen- build- and com- Regional De- heads
1991- 1991- sive- and ings pensation
with the following equation,
h = c
where c is the speed of light (c = 2.99 x 108 m/s). In principle, CL51 is able to detect three cloud
layers simultaneously, but if the cloud base is obscured due to precipitation or ground-based
fog, vertical visibility is reported. Information about fog and precipitation can also be derived
from the return signal as they attenuate the return signal from a cloud. In its
over complex terrain. On sunny and otherwise calm days, wind speeds associated with sea breezes
can reach up to 10 m s 1 at various locations around the Icelandic coast (Einarsson, 1976). Land
breezes occur less frequently and are generally weaker. On intermediate time-scales of several
days, temporal variability is primarily due to the evolution and passage of cyclonic storm systems.
level, surveys commissioned by the European Com-
munity/the European Union provide an indication of trends in concern about cli-
mate change. Since 1992, such surveys have been undertaken among representative
samples of citizens in its Member States, and specifically on topics related to the
environment (Special Eurobarometers (EB) in 1992, 1995, 2002; and a Flash EB
in 2002). These have included