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  • 21. Kok_and_Veldkamp_editorial_ES-2011-4160

    a wealth of scaling techniques and models in the search for appropriate disciplinary scales to detect relevant levels of organization. The shift toward more integrated theory and practice was initiated by the inclusion of the human factor. As a result, levels of organization became clearer, systems became more complex, and interdisciplinarity a necessity. This culminated in a new research paradigm /media/loftslag/Kok_and_Veldkamp_editorial_ES-2011-4160.pdf
  • 22. Statistical Analysis

    Search Search string Contact IMO © Veðurstofa Íslands | Bústaðavegi 7- 9 | 105 Reykjavík | Phone 522 6000 | Fax: 522 6001 /ces/publications/nr/1943
  • 23. hafisskyrsla-23-mars-2011

    °35V 5. 66°31N 024°55V 6. 66°42N 024°26V 7. 67°03N 023°44V 8. 67°14N 023°29V 9. 67°33N 022°26V Var ísinn 7-9/10 að þéttleika og sást greinileg nýmyndun inn á milli þar sem hann var gisnari. Ekki var að sjá stóra jaka eða borgarísjaka í jaðri ísins svo gera má ráð fyrir að hann sjáist ekki vel á ratsjá. Út frá ísröndinni sáust nokkrar ísdreifar og voru teknir staðir á þeim. 1. 65°51N 026°39V /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/hafisskyrsla-23-mars-2011.pdf
  • 24. hafisskyrsla_11052011

    ísrandarinnar, sem og myndir úr eftirlitsratsjá og kort sem unnið var á SLAR ratsjánna. Á neðangreindri töflu sést lega íssins frá sv-na. 1. 67 22N 026 13W 2. 67 26N 025 23W 3. 67 38N 025 28W 4. 67 46N 025 00W 5. 67 40N 024 46W 6. 67 41N 024 02W 7. 68 02N 023 30W 8. 68 07N 023 03W 9. 68 21N 022 30W 10. 68 32N 022 08W 11. 68 26N 021 41W 12. 68 40N 020 44W 13. 68 47N 020 05W 14. 69 10N /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/hafisskyrsla_11052011.pdf
  • 25. ces-oslo2010_proceedings

  • 26. VI_2020_004

    /m2 (Katla) ............................ 65 Figure 38 Seasonal analysis for tephra probability exceeding 1 kg/m2 (Katla) ....................... 66 Figure 39 Seasonal analysis for tephra probability exceeding 10 kg/m2 (Katla) ..................... 67 Figure 40 Seasonal analysis for tephra probability exceeding 100 kg/m2 (Katla) ................... 68 Figure 41 Impact map for road network in case /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_004.pdf
  • 27. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/2007
  • 28. Reports and publications

    Search Search string Contact IMO © Veðurstofa Íslands | Bústaðavegi 7- 9 | 105 Reykjavík | Phone 522 6000 | Fax: 522 6001 Recording 902 0600 | SSN 630908-0350 Contact us | Employees | Terms and conditions | Sitemap /earthquakes-and-volcanism/reports-and-publications/
  • 29. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/2007/
  • 30. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/nr/1206

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