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  • 31. VI_2020_004

    /m2 (Katla) ............................ 65 Figure 38 Seasonal analysis for tephra probability exceeding 1 kg/m2 (Katla) ....................... 66 Figure 39 Seasonal analysis for tephra probability exceeding 10 kg/m2 (Katla) ..................... 67 Figure 40 Seasonal analysis for tephra probability exceeding 100 kg/m2 (Katla) ................... 68 Figure 41 Impact map for road network in case /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_004.pdf
  • 32. hafisskyrsla_18ag2011

    skipið er að koma frá Scoresbysundi, Grælandi og er á leið til Vestmannaeyja, áætlar að vera þar þann 20. ágúst 2011 kl 0700 á staðartíma. Um borð eru 157 manns þar af er áhöfn 41 manns. Skipið sendi tilkynningu til LHG kl 1100 á staðaratíma í dag. Kl.1322 kallar TFB vegna Steina í Höfða sknr. 2434, TFB er með stað síðan kl. 0530, 67°05N – 018°35V. Samkvæmt göngum TF-SIF þá sást hann á /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/hafisskyrsla_18ag2011.pdf
  • 33. Isskyrsla_06Jan_2010

    lágu frá aðal ísnum og náðum að meta þéttleikann þar. Ekki sáust neinir borgarísjakar né stakir ísjakar í þessu flugi. Aðalrönd íssins lá í gegnum eftirtalda punkta (tekið með radar). Að sjá var ísinn samfrosta 10/10 1. 66°13,7‘N – 025°35,7‘V 2. 66°24,0‘N – 024°26.0‘V 3. 66°50,1‘N – 023°44,1‘V 4. 67°03,1‘N – 023°31,0‘V 5. 67°00,7‘N – 023°11,3‘V 6. 66°58,7‘N – 022°39,7‘V 7. 66°55,8‘N – 022°23,5‘V /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Isskyrsla_06Jan_2010.pdf
  • 34. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/2007
  • 35. Reports and publications

    of work (PDF) Ragnar Stefánsson et al. 67 0,9 2001 PRENLAB-TWO - final report April1, 1998 - June 30, 2000 Ragnar Stefánsson et al. 2001 Foreshock activity, fault radius and silence - earthquake warnings based on microearthquakes Ragnar Slunga 2001 32nd Nordic Seminar on Detection Seismology Barði Þorkelsson et al. 2001 SMSITES - Report, November 2001 Ragnar /earthquakes-and-volcanism/reports-and-publications/
  • 36. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/2007/
  • 37. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/nr/1206
  • 38. The weather in Iceland 2006

    fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík Figure 2. Reykjavik from the air on January 23rd 2006. The headquarters of IMO are in the center of the picture /about-imo/news/nr/1206/
  • 39. Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson

    Conference on Preparedness and Mitigation for Natural Disasters '92, 28 29 Maí, Reykjavík. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, Steinunn S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga og Ragnar Stefánsson 1996. The SIL data acquisition and monitoring system. Seism. Res. Lett. 67, 35 46. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, R. Slunga og Einar Kjartansson 1999. The SIL data acquisition system - at present /earthquakes-and-volcanism/conferences/jsr-2009/sigurdur/
  • 40. Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson

    Conference on Preparedness and Mitigation for Natural Disasters '92, 28 29 Maí, Reykjavík. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, Steinunn S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga og Ragnar Stefánsson 1996. The SIL data acquisition and monitoring system. Seism. Res. Lett. 67, 35 46. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, R. Slunga og Einar Kjartansson 1999. The SIL data acquisition system - at present /earthquakes-and-volcanism/conferences/jsr-2009/sigurdur

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