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  • 41. Kok_JGEC658_2009

    to be simple and therefore has important drawbacks. Future improvements should be made in the light of applications within a larger toolbox of scenario methods.  2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. * Tel.: +31 317 482422; fax: +31 317 419000. E-mail address: Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Global Environmental Change journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate /media/loftslag/Kok_JGEC658_2009.pdf
  • 42. Public-Choice-2012---Teyssier---Inequity-and-risk-aversion-in-sequential-public-good-games

    aversion should influence the first mover’s decision. The 98 Public Choice (2012) 151:91–119 Fi g. 1 O pt im al co n tr ib u tio n de pe nd in g o n α , r an d p Public Choice (2012) 151:91–119 99 Table 1 The predicted effect of intrinsic preferences on first and second movers’ contributions 1st mover 2nd mover Disadvantageous Negative None inequity aversion Advantageous None Positive inequity /media/loftslag/Public-Choice-2012---Teyssier---Inequity-and-risk-aversion-in-sequential-public-good-games.pdf
  • 43. Weather stations

    TíðaskarðFaxaflsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data Tjörnes - GerðibrekkaNorth EsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data TorfurNorth EsjObs.Info.Obs. data Return to the top of the page U UpptyppingarCentralsjObs.Info.Obs. data Return to the top of the page V VaðlaheiðiNorth EsjObs.Info.Obs. data Vaðlaheiði IINorth EsjObs.Info.Obs. data VatnaleiðFaxaflsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data /weather/stations/
  • 44. Crochet_Philippe_CES_2010

    in snow cover duration between 25% warmest and 25% coldest years +1.7°C Catchment elevation (m.a.s.l) Catchment elevation (m.a.s.l) D u r a t i o n i n m o n t h barb2right -40 % Magnitude difference 100(Warmest - Coldest)/Coldest barb2right -37 days Mean yearly maximum snowmelt rate Timing difference between 25% warmest and 25% coldest years +1.7°CCatchment elevation (m.a.s.l) Catchment /media/ces/Crochet_Philippe_CES_2010.pdf
  • 45. Kurpniece_Liga_CES_2010

    • MetNo-HIRLAM-HadCM3, • SMHI-RCA3-BMC with the SRES A1B. The climate model results were downscaled using statistical downscaling method: Sennikovs, J. and Bethers, U. 2009. Statistical downscaling method of regional climate model results for hydrological modeling. 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009 Observed, modeled /media/ces/Kurpniece_Liga_CES_2010.pdf
  • 46. Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010

    100 15 17 19 21 23 25 Mean annual peak runoff (mm/day) P e r c e n t a g e b e l o w g i v e n v a l u e g39g72g79g87g68g3g70g75g68g81g74g72g3 g40g80g83g76g85g76g70g68g79g3g68g71g77g88g86g87g80g72g81g87 Percentage change in 200-year flood Uncertainty – Relative magnitude of sampled s urces N = 115 GCM/RCM = 50 EA/DC = 38 HBV = 27 • Differences in GCM/RCM tend to be more significant in inland /media/ces/Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010.pdf
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    the com- plexity of the hydrological processes through modelling, but its application is usually limited to the short-range. Although the results demonstrated a great potential for this method, its success- ful application in real-time will strongly depend on the quality and availability of streamflow observations, which can be poor or simply missing during periods of variable durations, e.g /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2014/VI_2014_006.pdf
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    ............................................................................... 20 Räisänen, J. Probability distributions of monthly-to-annual mean temperature and precipitation in a changing climate ......... 22 Nikulin, G., Kjellström, E., Hansson, U., Strandberg G. and Ullerstig A. Nordic weather extremes as simulated by the Rossby Centre Regional Climate Model: Model evaluation and future projections /media/ces/ces-oslo2010_proceedings.pdf
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    of market organisation alternatives 26.8.2011Adriaan Perrels/IL 10 Cost-benefit analysis – the basics 3 Simple example: despite positive IRR still cash flow challenge years 1 - 8 CBA example - initial investment 100; interest and discount 5%; operational cost +5%/y; benefits +10%/y; IRR = 7.4% -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 years m o n e y u n it s writing off finance /media/loftslag/Perrels-CBA.pdf
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    for widespread adoption in the water sector. Environmental Policy and Governance. DOI: 10.1002/eet.590 Kaner S (2007) Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. Cooke B, Kothari U (2007) Participation: the new tyranny? (4th edition) Zed Books: New York. Daniell KA, White I, Ferrand N, Ribarova IS, Coad P, Rougier J-E, Hare MP, Jones NA, Popova A, Rollin D /media/vedurstofan/PhD_course-Programme_26Aug2011-final.pdf

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