
85 results were found for Anonyma sökmotorer 🔍


  • 51. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

    mean wind power density within the Blöndulón region . . . . . . . . . 43 14 Seasonal mean wind power density within the Blöndulón region . . . . . . . . . . 44 15 Directional mean wind power density within the Búrfell region . . . . . . . . . . . 45 16 Seasonal mean wind power density within the Búrfell region . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 17 Directional mean wind power density within /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/2013_001_Nawri_et_al.pdf
  • 52. Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change

  • 53. VI_2015_006

    intensity is given as the sine of the al- titude angle. Absolute incident solar intensity at the top of the atmosphere is obtained by multiplication with 1360 W m 2. Rise [UTC] Set [UTC] Length [hrs] Noon [UTC] Altitude [deg] Intensity 27 Jul 2012 03:58 22:46 18:48 13:22 44.05 0.70 3 Aug 2012 04:22 22:21 17:59 13:22 42.32 0.67 3 Sep 2012 06:03 20:27 14:24 13:15 32.30 0.53 16 are limited to about 50 W /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_006.pdf
  • 54. BIVM_windrose_2005-2014

    S W N (Number of observations for wind direction) Icelandic Met Office 02. júl. 2015 2 7 4 7 4 3 4 3 2 1 5 9 3 27 4 46 9 45 6 19 9 10 7 7 7 5 3 13 9 5 9 4 7 3 6 2 1 1 8 2 9 2 4 4 4 1 9 6 3 3 0 3 9 1 0 7 2 1 2 2 7 4 0 2 7 5 5 BIVM gusts exceeding 50 knots (2005−2014) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 2010360350340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 /media/vedur/BIVM_windrose_2005-2014.pdf
  • 55. CASE_A___Jes_Pedersen_(Region_Midt,_Dk)_Introduction

    ). The surface area of the fiord is approximately 46 km2 and the mean depth is 2.9 m besides a narrow shipping channel with a depth between 7 and 22 m. The catchment area is 517 km2 and dominated by agriculture (75%) with small areas of forests, wetlands, lakes and urban areas. The annual freshwater input is in the order of 100 Mm3, where approximately 70% is channelled through two main creaks /media/loftslag/CASE_A___Jes_Pedersen_(Region_Midt,_Dk)_Introduction.pdf
  • 56. Case_A___Horsens_Fjord

    ). The surface area of the fiord is approximately 46 km2 and the mean depth is 2.9 m besides a narrow shipping channel with a depth between 7 and 22 m. The catchment area is 517 km2 and dominated by agriculture (75%) with small areas of forests, wetlands, lakes and urban areas. The annual freshwater input is in the order of 100 Mm3, where approximately 70% is channelled through two main creaks /media/loftslag/Case_A___Horsens_Fjord.pdf
  • 57. Horsens_case

    NONAM Summerschool Copenhagen 22-26 August 2011 1 HORSENS FJORD CASE Hans Jørgen Henriksen, GEUS 1. Background to the case Introducing the catchment Horsens Fjord is a shallow and eutrophic estuary located on the east side of Jutland, Denmark within the WFD catchment area Horsens Fjord (Fig. 1). The surface area of the Fjord is approximately 46 km2 and the mean depth is 2.9 m besides /media/loftslag/Horsens_case.pdf
  • 58. VI_2020_004

    ............................................................................ 44 Figure 19 Probabilistic hazard map for a tephra load ≥0.1 kg/m2 (Hekla) ............................. 45 Figure 20 Probabilistic hazard map for a tephra load ≥10 kg/m2 (Hekla) .............................. 46 Figure 21 Probabilistic hazard map for a tephra load ≥100 kg/m2 (Hekla) ............................ 47 Figure 22 Seasonal analysis of tephra load probability exceeding 0.1 kg/m2 /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_004.pdf
  • 59. GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen

  • 60. Eriksson_Garvill_Nordlund_2006

    ) measures. The main purpose ARTICLE IN PRESS of this study is to test a model of the relations between factors expected to influence the acceptability of TDM measures. In addition, comparisons between car users’ 0272-4944/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2006.05.003 Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, Umea˚ University, Sweden. Tel.: +46 90 /media/loftslag/Eriksson_Garvill_Nordlund_2006.pdf

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