
82 results were found for f 신림섹밤건마⑴(」♢남양주섹밤건마✰인천섹밤건마 강북섹밤건마 여탑트위터.


  • 51. International Day for Disaster Reduction – 13th of October 2017 – Home Safe Home

    increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020;f) Substantially enhance international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement their national actions for implementation of the present Framework by 2030;g) Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning /about-imo/news/international-day-for-disaster-reduction-13th-of-october-2017-home-safe-home
  • 52. Climatological data

    (measured at 9 am) month/year rx_dag1 date of 24-hr maximum precipitation month/year p average sea level pressure nh mean cloud cover, oktas sun number of bright sunshine hours f mean wind speed (m/s) Longer series for selected stations Reykjavík from 1931 Stykkishólmur from 1823 Akureyri from 1931 Grímsstaðir from 1931 Raufarhöfn from 1931 Teigarhorn from 1873 /climatology/data/
  • 53. The design of avalanche protection dams

    Harbitz, D. Issler, T. Jóhannesson, K. Lied, M. Naaim, F. Naaim-Bouvet and L. Rammer. Comments and improvements by S. Margreth, J.S. Ásgeirsson and N. Nawri. April 2010: Passage has been made through snow on the road. Súðavík, Súðavíkurhlíð, West fjords. Photo: Þórður Sigurðsson. News /about-imo/news/nr/1631
  • 54. glacier_mass_balance_poster

    750-1170 AAR of the warm year of 2004 - digitized using the October 2004 SPOT 5 HRS images Ice cap E: Eyjafjallajökull To: Torfajökull Ti: Tindfjallajökull AAR (%) 20-25 <5 0 Method References Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Baratoux D., Vincent C. and Rémy F. 2004. Recent rapid thinning of the "Mer de Glace" glacier derived from satellite optical images. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L17401, doi:10.1029 /media/ces/glacier_mass_balance_poster.pdf
  • 55. Gode_Jenny_CES_2010

    Projects involving sh Concise info Executive summaries Downloadable "Stakeholder friendly" info Stakeholder Relevance of the CES Project Jenny Gode, 31 May 2010 Research programme "Translators" F act sheets W eb page Stee ring co m m ittee Visits W o rkshops R efe re nce g ro up s E x . su m m a rie s M eetings Stakeholders Energy companies Energy authorities Decision makers Other stakeholders /media/ces/Gode_Jenny_CES_2010.pdf
  • 56. 2012-Refsgaard_etal-uncertainty_climate-change-adaptation-MITI343

    in ty N at ur e o f u n ce rta in ty Inp ut dat a Mo de l Co ntex t Multi pl e knowl edg e fra m es Ambi guit y Ep istemi c un certaint y (re du cib le) Aleator y u n ce rta in ty (ir red uc ibl e) Pa ramete r val ue s Mode l techni ca l as pe ct s Mo de l st ru ct ur e G re en ho us e ga s em iss io ns X X X X X X X X X X Socio -econo m ic scena rio s X X X X X X X X X XX X X X Fu tu re cl im /media/loftslag/2012-Refsgaard_etal-uncertainty_climate-change-adaptation-MITI343.pdf
  • 57. programme2---PhD-Workshop-preceding-Adaptation-Research-Conference

    & 4 Y u a n g Z h e n g D e n m a r k F o r e s t r y & L a n d s c a p e 2 1 0 A t h a n a s i o s V o t s i s F i n l a n d U r b a n & r e g i o n a l p l a n n i n g 3 3 2 E i v i n d J u n k e r N o r w a y L a w 4 3 3 M i c h a e l L a i h o F i n l a n d E u r o p e a n s t u d i e s 5 2 0 H e c to r G u i n e a B a r r i e n to s S w e d e n N a t u r a l r e s o u /media/loftslag/programme2---PhD-Workshop-preceding-Adaptation-Research-Conference.pdf
  • 58. Reykholt-abstracts

    to get highly accurate results in photogrammetric processing of historical photographs. REFERENCE Jóhannesson, T., H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson, O. Sigurðsson and Þ. Þorsteinsson. 2011. Lidar mapping of the Snæfellsjökull ice cap, western Iceland, Jökull, 61,19–32. Lidar measurements of the cryosphere Reykholt, Iceland, June 20–21, 2013 12 Csatho and others The ICESat-2 mission: design /media/vatnafar/joklar/Reykholt-abstracts.pdf
  • 59. ces_risk_flyer

    a comprehensive assessment of the impact of climate change on renewable energy resources in the Nordic area including hydropower, wind power, bio‐fuels and solar energy. M i bj i f h CES P j An increase of uncertainty about the future of renewable resources under climate change is a key issue for the energy sector. Some renewable energy resources are likely to increase their productivity /media/ces/ces_risk_flyer.pdf
  • 60. Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM

    example can be given by the low cost still flood risk adaptation by implementing early warning system. But there is one more suggestion dfor stakeholders to restrict infrastructure in the cities of Horsens. Fiva PhD Courses : Adaptive management in relation to climate change (august 22 2011 - august 26 2011) 2 / 3 R es e a r c h Flood f r equenc y a n d i n t ensi t y c o m m un i c a t /media/loftslag/Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM.pdf

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