
81 results were found for v 화성키스방∈『]✼의왕오피❁19달밤✏수원핸플♚오산키스방.


  • 51. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    ; fax: +358 20 490 2590. E-mail address: (N. Veijalainen). Journal of Hydrology 391 (2010) 333–350 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate / jhydrol Author's personal copy narios from GCMs or RCMs, and with different emission scenarios (e.g. Menzel et al., 2006; Minville et al., 2008; Prudhomme and Da /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 52. Öræfajökull : Recent research

    73–100Ásdís Helgadóttir, Emmanuel Pagneux, Matthew J. Roberts, Esther H. Jensen og Eiríkur GíslasonShort summaryChapter V. Öræfi district and Markarfljót outwash plain: Rating of flood hazards (pdf 2.35 Mb)Pages 101–122Emmanuel Pagneux og Matthew J. RobertsShort summaryChapter VI. Öræfi district and Markarfljót outwash plain: Spatio-temporal patterns in population exposure to volcanogenic floods /volcanoes/about-volcanoes/oraefajokull/new-research/
  • 53. ces_SA_group_flyer_new

    are being used to analyse the occurrence of dry spells, both from historical data and from climate scenario simulations. There is significant year-to-year variability in the pattern of rainfall, and this variability is assessed based on the range of values from individual years in the analysis. No change Increase Decrease 1 9 6 1 - 1 9 9 0 1 9 3 1 - 1 9 9 0 Photo by V. Kudryavskiy, LEGMA Regional /media/ces/ces_SA_group_flyer_new.pdf
  • 54. ces_flyer_glacierssnowandice

    )  Measured  1997  and  1999  ice  surfaces  of  Lang‐ jökull  and  Hofsjökull,  respectively.  c)  Steady‐state  glacier  geometries after a  few hundred year  spin‐up with  constant  mass balance forcing. Figure 3: Simulated response of Langjökull (L), Hofsjökull (H)  and southern Vatnajökull (V) to climate change. The inset  numbers are projected volumes relative to the initial stable  ice geometries /media/ces/ces_flyer_glacierssnowandice.pdf
  • 55. esa_flyer_new

    EA Analyse A/S and Optensys Energianalys will forecast energy system variables, while SINTEF Energy Research will make assumptions for the energy system in different cases, include new inputs in the EMPS model and carry out simulations. Cl i ma t e Sc e nar i os G ro u p R i s ø St o c h as t i c v a r i a b l e s Clima t e s c e n a r i o NV E S M H I FE I N o r w a y S w e d e n F inla n /media/ces/esa_flyer_new.pdf
  • 56. Hock_Regine_CES_2010rs

    - balance model • Monthly temperature • Monthly precipitation Step 2: Extrapolation of model parameters to all glaciers in Iceland and Scandinavia • Gridded climate variables Step 3: Future projections until 2100 for each glacier: - run mass-balance model - Volume-area scaling Volume-area-length scaling V = c Aγ • Glacier inventory data • downscaled GCM scenarios A(t V(t ΔV Methodology Step /media/ces/Hock_Regine_CES_2010rs.pdf
  • 57. Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010

    100 15 17 19 21 23 25 Mean annual peak runoff (mm/day) P e r c e n t a g e b e l o w g i v e n v a l u e g39g72g79g87g68g3g70g75g68g81g74g72g3 g40g80g83g76g85g76g70g68g79g3g68g71g77g88g86g87g80g72g81g87 Percentage change in 200-year flood Uncertainty – Relative magnitude of sampled s urces N = 115 GCM/RCM = 50 EA/DC = 38 HBV = 27 • Differences in GCM/RCM tend to be more significant in inland /media/ces/Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010.pdf
  • 58. Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM

    t / c o s t ratio H i g h L o w S c enar i o 1 S c ena r io 2 Present time 20302020 Socio E c onomic D e v elopme n t Figure 1. Scenario building for AWM in Horsens Fjord To estimate of the adaptation strategy (Table 2) we will use back-casting approach. The assessments of the productivity of this approach are based on main big strategies which need to have an attention. One of them /media/loftslag/Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM.pdf
  • 59. VI_2009_006_tt

    vísbending um þróun farvegarins úr breiðu, óafmörkuðu rennsli yfir í skilvirkar rásir. Einnig kann að vera að í upphafi hlaupsins hafi töluvert vatnsmagn safnast upp í vatnsgeymum undir jöklinum sem ekki tóku mikinn þátt í því að flytja rennsli. v Mælingar á vatnshita í Skaftá benda til þess að hlaupvatnið sé við eða mjög nærri frostmarki þegar það kemur undan jöklinum. Þetta bendir til þess að /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_006_tt.pdf
  • 60. Reykholt-abstracts

    ............................................................................................. 36 Experimental results from photon-counting laser altimetry system MABEL Henriette Skourup, René Forsberg, Sine M. Hvidegaard, Indriði Einarsson, Arne V. Olesen, Stine K. Rose, Louise S. Sørensen, Veit Helm, Stefan Hendricks, Robert Ricker, Malcolm Davidson and Tânia Casal /media/vatnafar/joklar/Reykholt-abstracts.pdf

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