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  • 51. ces-glacier-scaling-memo2009-01

    of melt water from glaciated areas in long integrations for a warming climate. Glacier dynamics This problem can be qualitatively analysed by considering the continuity equation for ice vol- ume, which may be expressed as ¶h ¶t + ¶q ¶x = b or ¶h ¶t +~ ~q = b ; (1) for a one-dimensional ice flow channel or an ice cap that flows in two horizontal dimensions, respectively. h is ice thickness, q or ~q /media/ces/ces-glacier-scaling-memo2009-01.pdf
  • 52. CES_D2.4_task1

    distribution of anthropogenic climate changes, largely following Räisänen and Ruokolainen (2008a,b). The main features of this procedure are as follows: x Model simulations of 20th and 21st century climate change are used to develop linear regression equations that relate the local temperature or precipitation climate to a smoothed (11-year running mean) evolution of the global mean /media/ces/CES_D2.4_task1.pdf
  • 53. VI_2017_009

    we take the corresponding data from the CMIP5 project. Table 1. All GCMs and RCMs used in this study. If a model is available for any of the domains Arctic-44, EURO-44, or EURO-11, it is marked with a v, but with an x if it is unavailable. Model name Type EURO-11 EURO-44 Arctic-44 CCCma-CanESM2 GCM x v v COSMO-CLM4-8-17 RCM v v x CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5 GCM v v x IHCEC-EC-Earth GCM v v v /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2017/VI_2017_009.pdf
  • 54. Linnet_Ulfar_CES_2010

    °C/100y 1975-2000 • 2.35 °C/100y 2000- •Change in precipitation • Average increase 4.8% / 100 y • Range 3.3 – 7.2 % •Glaciers • Results from CES • 25% decrease in volume from 2000 to 2050 Temperature transformation Com parison of series 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 1 9 5 0 1 9 5 2 1 9 5 4 1 9 5 6 1 9 5 8 1 9 6 0 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 4 1 9 6 6 1 9 6 8 1 9 7 0 1 9 7 2 1 9 7 4 1 9 7 6 1 9 7 8 1 /media/ces/Linnet_Ulfar_CES_2010.pdf

    /lexuriserv/, 13 April 2009. [2] WTO, World Tourism Organization (2008): “Climate Change and Tourism - Responding to Global Challenges”, UNWTO, 9 July 2008, Madrid, Spain. Available at:, 7 March 2010. [3] Mooney, J.E. y Miller, M.L. (2009): “Climate change: Creating demand for sustainable /media/loftslag/ECONOMIC_EFFECTS_OF_CLIMATE_CHANGE_ON_THE_TOURISM_SECTOR_IN_SPAIN.pdf
  • 56. VI_2019_009

    with the following equation, h = c t 2 where c is the speed of light (c = 2.99 x 108 m/s). In principle, CL51 is able to detect three cloud layers simultaneously, but if the cloud base is obscured due to precipitation or ground-based fog, vertical visibility is reported. Information about fog and precipitation can also be derived from the return signal as they attenuate the return signal from a cloud. In its /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2019/VI_2019_009.pdf
  • 57. vonKorff_etal-2010

    finished, and possibly tested before implementation starts (Bots 2007). Following Bots (2007), we note that the word “design” can denote an activity as well as a product. In this article, design as a product is synonymous with the participation plan (point y). This plan is based on design as an activity, represented here by the space between points x and y. What needs to happen in this phase (x /media/loftslag/vonKorff_etal-2010.pdf
  • 58. Statistical Analysis

    Barthelmie, R.J., Takle, G.S. & Andersen, T. (2008). The impact of climate change on wind energy resources. Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress-X, 6pp (Invited Plenary presentation). 6pp. Pryor, S.C., Barthelmie, R.J. & E.S. Riley (2007). Historical evolution of wind climates in the USA, Conference on the science of making torque from wind, Danish Technical University, August 2007 /ces/publications/nr/1943
  • 59. CES_D2.4_solar_CMIP3

    was represented on the native grids of each individual model. Therefore, the monthly means of the modelled radiation were first interpolated onto a common 2.5 x 2.5 degree grid, and 30 year running means were applied to smooth the influence of random interannual variability. Thereafter, anomalies from the baseline period mean were calculated. 2 Fig. 2. Percentage change of incident global solar /media/ces/CES_D2.4_solar_CMIP3.pdf
  • 60. Hare_2-participation

    15.9.04 Forum 2 3.11.04 Forum 3 12.04.05 Interviews Jan/Feb 05 Group Model Building - Identify Problems & Measures 8 Simulation Models Testing Solutions Forum 1 15.9.04 Forum 2 3.11.04 Forum 3 12.04.05 KG Feb/March 05 Interviews Jan/Feb 05 Forum 4 15.06.05 Forum 3 12.04.05 r 5 07.09.05 Forum 4 15.06.05 9 x Measures Costs Ecological Efficiency Accep- tance Needed control Further Effects 1.... 2 /media/loftslag/Hare_2-participation.pdf

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