
82 results were found for N 신용카드현금화 〔tktaka¸com〕 티켓타카 O 신용카드현금화 전문 포탈 휴대폰소액결제현금화정책🍢dropinon/.


  • 61. Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010

    100 15 17 19 21 23 25 Mean annual peak runoff (mm/day) P e r c e n t a g e b e l o w g i v e n v a l u e g39g72g79g87g68g3g70g75g68g81g74g72g3 g40g80g83g76g85g76g70g68g79g3g68g71g77g88g86g87g80g72g81g87 Percentage change in 200-year flood Uncertainty – Relative magnitude of sampled s urces N = 115 GCM/RCM = 50 EA/DC = 38 HBV = 27 • Differences in GCM/RCM tend to be more significant in inland /media/ces/Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010.pdf
  • 62. Hydropower, Hydrology

    catchments. Hydrology Research (Accepted - In press). Olsson, J., Yang, W., Graham, L.P., Rosberg, J., & Andréasson, J. (Submitted to Tellus, 2009) Hydrological climate change impacts on inflows to Lake Vänern, Sweden: An ensemble approach. Veijalainen, N., Dubrovin, T., Marttunen, M. & Vehviläinen, B. (2010). Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Lake. Regulation in the Vuoksi Watershed /ces/publications/nr/1938
  • 63. Climate and Modeling Scenarios

    & Ruosteenoja, K. (2009). Comparing regional risks in producing turnip rape and oilseed rape - Impacts of climate change and breeding. Acta agriculturae Scandinavica 59B:2, 129-138. doi:10.1080/09064710802022895 ( Pryor, S.C., Barthelmie, R.J., Clausen, N.E., Drews, M., MacKellar, N. & Kjellström, E. (2010). Analyses /ces/publications/nr/1680
  • 64. VI_2009_006_tt

    to theoretical framework. I do also want to thank him for an enjoyable time during this work, both in the office and in the field. This work was carried out as a part of the Skaftá cauldrons research project which was funded and supported by the Icelandic Centre For Research (RANNÍS), Kvískerja- sjóður, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, Landsvirkjun (the National Power Com- pany), the National Energy /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_006_tt.pdf
  • 65. Horsens_case

    are located on the north and south coasts of the estuary. The average annual nutrient input to the Fjord from freshwater is 1503 tons N and 37 tons P (average from 1985 to 2006). The two main streams and the waste water treatment plant for Horsens town, which is located close to mouth of Bygholm stream, accounts for approximately 75% and 65% of the nitrogen and phosphorous discharges, respectively /media/loftslag/Horsens_case.pdf
  • 66. Paper-Olafur-Rognvaldsson_91

    The role of orography was found to be crucial in determining the precipitation dis- tribution and amount. Atmospheric flow over Iceland was simulated for the period January 1961 through June 2006 using version 3–7–3 of the PSU/NCAR MM5 mesoscale model (Grell et al., 1995). The domain used is 123× 95 points, centered at 64◦ N and 19.5◦ W, with a horizontal resolution of 8 km. There are 23 vertical /media/ces/Paper-Olafur-Rognvaldsson_91.pdf
  • 67. 2010_003rs

    the Hestvatn-fault. ............................................................................................ 37 Figure 3.9. Mapped fault segments in boxes O and N. ........................................................ 40 Figure 3.10. Map of Reykjanes Peninsula. .......................................................................... 41 Figure 3.11. Left: Aftershocks mapped on the Kleifarvatn /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/2010_003rs.pdf
  • 68. VI_2020_005

    exist that reach back to early 19th century but most series are much shorter (Hamlington and Thompson, 2016). In contrast, satellite altimetry has only been available since the early 1990’s. Satellite altimetry mea- sures the sea surface height, namely the sea level compared to a fixed reference frame (the center of the earth, the geoid or a reference ellipsoid) for latitudes up to 66 N and S (ESA /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_005.pdf
  • 69. Public-Choice-2012---Teyssier---Inequity-and-risk-aversion-in-sequential-public-good-games

    aversion should influence the first mover’s decision. The 98 Public Choice (2012) 151:91–119 Fi g. 1 O pt im al co n tr ib u tio n de pe nd in g o n α , r an d p Public Choice (2012) 151:91–119 99 Table 1 The predicted effect of intrinsic preferences on first and second movers’ contributions 1st mover 2nd mover Disadvantageous Negative None inequity aversion Advantageous None Positive inequity /media/loftslag/Public-Choice-2012---Teyssier---Inequity-and-risk-aversion-in-sequential-public-good-games.pdf
  • 70. Factsheet_Bardarbunga_140914

    and insignificant crustal movements north of Vatnajökull around the dyke.  Air quality in urban areas in the East of Iceland: o High air pollution was detected yesterday in Egilsstaðir and Reyðarfjörður. Forecasts indicate that the gas cloud will blow towards the north in the next 24 hours. High concentrations of sulphuric gases can be expected in Mývatnssveit, Kelduhverfi, Tjörnes, Húsavík /media/jar/myndsafn/Factsheet_Bardarbunga_140914.pdf

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