
80 results were found for f 무안마사지㎬“’❀무안주점✗무안업소◇무안안마♡무안출장 무안업소.


  • 71. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

    rather than from the data directly. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be disseminated to a few parameters, that describe each wind speed distribution. Of the various probability density functions for boundary-layer wind speeds, s, the 2-parameter Weibull distribution, f (s;A;k) = k A s A k 1 exp s A k ; (1) is the one most commonly employed for wind energy studies (Morgan /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/2013_001_Nawri_et_al.pdf
  • 72. VanderKeur_etal-2008-Uncertainty_IWRM-WARM

    h stat us an d goal s Locat io n — u n ce rta in tie s re la te d to So urc e o fun certaint y Natur e (1)/typ e(2 )o f u n ce rta in ty Co mment s R hin e at (su b-) catch m en tleve l W at er re so u rc es issu es Id en tif ica tio n an d pr io rit y settin g o fu rge nt wat er re so u rc es pr ob le m s; co n fli ct in g in te re sts amon g sector s an d stakeh older s M ul tip le fra m es (so /media/loftslag/VanderKeur_etal-2008-Uncertainty_IWRM-WARM.pdf
  • 73. VI2010-006_web

  • 74. VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef

    Forsíðumynd: Svava Björk Þorláksdóttir mælir með öldustilli niður á festur í Iðu í Hvítá. Ljósmynd: Njáll Fannar Reynisson. V E Ð U R S T O F A Í S L A N D S / Á R S S K Ý R S L A 2 0 1 8 3 Viðburðaríkt ár er að baki hjá starfsfólki Veðurstofunnar enda felast jafnan margar og fjöl breyttar áskoranir í vöktun og rannsóknum á náttúru - öflum landsins. Loftslagsmál eru mjög á döfinni enda stærsta /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef.pdf
  • 75. Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS

    and possibly the stake- holders at different phases of the modelling project. Many QA guidelines exist such as Middlemis (2000) and Van Waveren et al. (1999). The HarmoniQuA project (Schol- ten et al., 2007; Refsgaard et al., 2005a) has developed a com- prehensive set of QA guidelines for multiple modelling domains combined with a supporting software tool, MoST (downloadable via http /media/loftslag/Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS.pdf
  • 76. 2010_017

  • 77. GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen

    to model a longtime-series sever l simplifications to the fully dis-tributed nergy-balance approach are necessary.To judge the performance of a mass balance mod- el, its results sh uld be compared with observed da-ta. A series f winter- and summer balances is pref- LISS M. ANDREASSEN AND JOHANNES OERLEMANS ? The authors 2009 Journal compilation ? 2009 Swedish Society for Anthropology /media/ces/GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen.pdf
  • 78. FMI_-_Disaster_Mitigation

    (Percent) By Year Built Categories Percent of Homes Damaged By Year Built Categories 36 24 26 28 30 32 34 Pre 1980 80-96 97-2002 Post 2002 Percent Damaged All Homes – Damage Per Square Foot All Homes - Damage Per Square Foot 2 2.5 D a m a g e P e r S q . F o o t 0 0.5 1 1.5 < 120 120-129 130-139 140-149 > 149 D a m a g e P e r S q . F o o t Pre 1980 1980-1996 1997-2002 Post 2002 /media/loftslag/FMI_-_Disaster_Mitigation.pdf
  • 79. Eriksson_Garvill_Nordlund_2006

    Differences between the three TDM measures were assessed with repeated measures ANOVAs and post hoc test with Bonferroni correction (F-values, levels of sig- nificance, and effect sizes are presented in Table 3). 2The univariate ANOVAs for the two levels of increased tax on fuel, show that the increase with five SEK/liter fuel was perceived to lead to a larger infringement on freedom to choose travel mode /media/loftslag/Eriksson_Garvill_Nordlund_2006.pdf
  • 80. Kok_JGEC658_2009

    Change 19 (2009) 122–133 A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 14 November 2007 Received in revised form 21 August 2008 Accepted 25 August 2008 Keywords: Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Scenario Participation Resilience Brazil A B S T R A C T The main drawback of the Story-and-Simulation approach is the weak link between qualitative and quantitative scenarios. A semi-quantitative tool, Fuzzy /media/loftslag/Kok_JGEC658_2009.pdf

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