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the principalmethods have not changed much over the years, theamount of field work has varied. In the first 15 yearsthe monitoring programme at Storbreen was com-prehensive, often three or more snow density pits
were dug, snow depth was measured at about 600points and ablation was measured on 30 stakes
evenly distri uted on the glacier (Liestøl 1967).Based on experience of the snow pattern, the ob-
Á R S S K Ý R S L A 2 0 1 8
3 Frá forstjóra
4 Veðurstofan 2009–2019
12 Náttúrufar
18 Rannsóknir
20 Fjármál og rekstur
22 Ritaskrá starfsmanna
?Veðurstofa Íslands 2019
Bústaðavegi 7–9, 108 Reykjavík
ISSN 2251-5607
Efni ársskýrslunnar var unnið af starfsmönnum
Veðurstofu Íslands
Ritstjórn: Sigurlaug Gunnlaugsdóttir
Hönnun og umbrot: Hvíta húsið
Prentun: Prentmet
and providing early-warning mechanism information.
Figure 1. Map showing SW-Iceland, the focus area within SAFER. Seismicity during
1997–2000, defining many of the already mapped faults, is shown colour coded
according to age. Events with M>5 are shown as stars. The outline of the South Iceland
Seismic Zone (SISZ) is shown with orange dashed lines. Test sites are marked on the map
with letters K, H, Á
Such landslides fall from a comparatively high
elevation, cause extensive disruption and upheaval of loose materials and soils in their
way, and can travel considerable distances uphill against opposing slopes.
Secondly, there are medium-sized or large, rapid debris flows that are released from com-
paratively high elevations and are confined to gullies as they travel down the mountain-
side, similar