
90 results were found for o 동탄타이Ё‘〕♡동탄휴게텔▲동탄건마✷동탄아로마◇동탄OP.


  • 71. Gode_Jenny_CES_2010

    Projects involving sh Concise info Executive summaries Downloadable "Stakeholder friendly" info Stakeholder Relevance of the CES Project Jenny Gode, 31 May 2010 Research programme "Translators" F act sheets W eb page Stee ring co m m ittee Visits W o rkshops R efe re nce g ro up s E x . su m m a rie s M eetings Stakeholders Energy companies Energy authorities Decision makers Other stakeholders /media/ces/Gode_Jenny_CES_2010.pdf
  • 72. norsem_korja

    of earthquakes. Reference: [1] Korja, A. and Kosonen, E. M. (eds.) 2015. Seismotectonic framework and seismic source area models in Fennoscandia, Northern Europe. Univ. Helsinki, Instit. Seismology, Report S-63, 284 p. [2] Nørbech, T., Engsager, K., Jivall, L., Knudsen, O., Koivula, H., Lidberg, M., Ollikainen, M. & Weber, M., 2008 /media/norsem/norsem_korja.pdf
  • 73. Water_resources_man_Veijalainen_etal

    Based on a report by Verta et al. (2007) 92. 5 93. 0 93. 5 94. 0 94. 5 95. 0 M A MJ F J J A S O N D Mean 19702000 Min and max 1970–2000, natural rating curve Target water level zone 1 Target water level zone 2 Q=+20% Q=+10% Q= 0% Q=15% Q=30% 92.90 m snow target 1 92.70 m snow target 2 Water level (m ) Month the regulation limits Lake Syväri has target water level zones, which are not legally /media/ces/Water_resources_man_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 74. Reykholt-abstracts

    to get highly accurate results in photogrammetric processing of historical photographs. REFERENCE Jóhannesson, T., H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson, O. Sigurðsson and Þ. Þorsteinsson. 2011. Lidar mapping of the Snæfellsjökull ice cap, western Iceland, Jökull, 61,19–32. Lidar measurements of the cryosphere Reykholt, Iceland, June 20–21, 2013 12 Csatho and others The ICESat-2 mission: design /media/vatnafar/joklar/Reykholt-abstracts.pdf
  • 75. Hock_Regine_CES_2010rs

    elevation complete for Scandinavia Icelandic Inventory (data from O. Sigurdsson) Data Climate data, calibration period Monthly air temperature: ERA-40 reanalysis (0.5°×0.5°), 1958-2001 Monthly precipitation: Precipitation climatology VASClimO, 1951-2000, 0.5°×0.5° (Beck et al., 2005) Elevation-dependent mass balance data for individual glaciers Mass-balance data Future projections Glacier /media/ces/Hock_Regine_CES_2010rs.pdf
  • 76. Bardarbunga-2014_August-events

    will develop. However, four scenarios are considered most likely:  o The migration of magma could stop, resulting in a gradual reduction in seismic activity and no further eruptions. o The dike could reach the Earth's surface north of Dyngjujökull causing another eruption, possibly on a new fissure. Such an eruption could include lava flow and (or) explosive activity. o The intrusion reaches /media/jar/Bardarbunga-2014_August-events.pdf
  • 77. ces-oslo2010_proceedings

    Elvehøy, H., Guðmundsson, S., Hock, R., Machguth, H., Melvold, K., Pálsson, F., Radic, V., Sigurðsson, O. and Þorsteinsson, Þ. The impact of climate change on glaciers and glacial runoff in the Nordic countries .......................................... 38 Radic, V. and Hock, R. Volume changes of the glaciers in Scandinavia and Iceland in the 21st century /media/ces/ces-oslo2010_proceedings.pdf
  • 78. Paper-Olafur-Rognvaldsson_91

    -2B. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 2184– 2203. Dickinson, R. E., Errico R. M., Giorgi F. and Bates G. T. 1989. A regional cli- mate model for the western United States. Clim. Change, 15, 383–422. Giorgi, F. 1990. On the simulation of regional climate using a limited area model nested in a general circulation model. J. Climate, 3, 941–963. Giorgi, F., and Mearns L. O. 1999. Introduction to special section /media/ces/Paper-Olafur-Rognvaldsson_91.pdf
  • 79. VI_2020_005

    et al., 2013). Based on satellite altimetry, the trend in absolute sea level in the North Sea was about 1-3 mm/yr in 1992-2014, depending on location (EEA, 2017). In the Baltic, the mean sea level rose 1.5 mm/yr in the 20th century (Nerheim et al., 2017). The absolute sea level rise for the Scandinavian coast of the Baltic in period 1891-1990 was found to be 1.8 mm/yr (O. Vestøl, 2006). In 1992 /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_005.pdf
  • 80. GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen

    the principalmethods have not changed much over the years, theamount of field work has varied. In the first 15 yearsthe monitoring programme at Storbreen was com-prehensive, often three or more snow density pits were dug, snow depth was measured at about 600points and ablation was measured on 30 stakes evenly distri uted on the glacier (Liestøl 1967).Based on experience of the snow pattern, the ob- servations /media/ces/GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen.pdf

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