
83 results were found for d 문자업체DB판매사이트⊃「텔ㄹsein07}6문자업체디비Ъ문자업체DB팝니다 문자업체DB구매 문자업체디비팝니다.


  • 81. vanRoosmalen_etal-2009-WRR_2007WR006760

    1998] and RCM output such as incoming and outgoing, short- and long-wave radiation, temperature, water vapor pressure, and wind speed: ETref ¼ 0:408D Rn  Gð Þ þ g 900T þ 273 u2 es  eað Þ Dþ g 1þ 0:34u2ð Þ ð3Þ where ETref is reference evapotranspiration (mm d1), Rn is net radiation at the crop surface (MJ m2 d1), G is soil heat flux density (MJ m2 d1), T is mean daily air temperature at 2 m /media/loftslag/vanRoosmalen_etal-2009-WRR_2007WR006760.pdf
  • 82. 2010_003rs

    .............................................................................. 13 Figure 2.1. The spatial extent of each group is defined by its radius, r, and the overlap by the distance between the groups’ centres, d. .................................. 16 Figure 2.2. Two examples of joint interpretation of event distributions and focal mechanisms. ...................................................................................................... 18 /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/2010_003rs.pdf
  • 83. Gudmundsson-etal-2011-PR-7282-26519-1-PB

    derived from: (a) SPOT 5 high-resolution stereoscopic images from 5 October 2004; (b) SPOT 5 HRS from 14 August; (c) Electromagnetic Institute Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor (EMISAR) images from 12 August 1998; and (d) aerial photographs from 1979 (Torfajo¨kull), 1980 (Tindfjallajo¨kull) and 1984 (Eyjafjallajo¨kull). Gaps in (a) and (b) allocate uncorrelated parts of the SPOT 5 HRS image pairs /media/ces/Gudmundsson-etal-2011-PR-7282-26519-1-PB.pdf

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