
88 results were found for ������������������������:zA31���24������ ������������ ������ ������/������ ���������������(O)���������������������.


  • 81. Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20150130

    in a similar manner as they have for the last few months, i.e. there will be a slow decrease in the volcanic activity.  Information on the development of the activity refers on the one hand to the subsidence of the Bardarbunga caldera and on the other hand on the intensity of the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun. o Bardarbunga: Data on the rate of the subsidence at the centre of the caldera /media/jar/Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20150130.pdf
  • 82. VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef

    Forsíðumynd: Svava Björk Þorláksdóttir mælir með öldustilli niður á festur í Iðu í Hvítá. Ljósmynd: Njáll Fannar Reynisson. V E Ð U R S T O F A Í S L A N D S / Á R S S K Ý R S L A 2 0 1 8 3 Viðburðaríkt ár er að baki hjá starfsfólki Veðurstofunnar enda felast jafnan margar og fjöl breyttar áskoranir í vöktun og rannsóknum á náttúru - öflum landsins. Loftslagsmál eru mjög á döfinni enda stærsta /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef.pdf
  • 83. 2010_003rs

    Use of relatively located micro- earthquakes to map fault patterns and estimate the thickness of the brittle crust in Southwest Iceland Sigurlaug Hjaltadóttir VÍ 2010-003 Skýrsla   f l l l dUse o re ative y ocate micro- earthquakes to map fault patterns and estimate the thickness of the brittle crust in Southwest Iceland Sigurlaug Hjaltadóttir, Veðurstofu Íslands VÍ 2010-003 ISSN 1670-8261 /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/2010_003rs.pdf
  • 84. VI2010-006_web

    tíma er litið. Hámarksúrkomutölurnar í töflu 3 byggja á tölfræðilegri greiningu á gögnum eftir 1949 og segja ekki alla söguna um aftakaúrkomu á Akureyri þegar lengra tímabil er skoðað. Aftakaúrkoma einkennist víða af einstökum hellirigningum sem geta fallið utan leitnilínu sem byggð er á nokk- urra daga hámarksúrkomu mánaða og ára. Þannig mældist 92mm sólarhringsúrkoma á Akureyri þann 24. september /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/VI2010-006_web.pdf
  • 85. Moellenkampetal_etal-2010

  • 86. VI_2015_009

    .............................................................. 19 5 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 23 6 Acknowledgements....................................................................................... 23 7 References .................................................................................................. 24 Appendix I - Identification /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_009.pdf
  • 87. Kok_2-scenarios-lecture-2

    Kasper Kok – Wageningen University, the Netherlands NONAM PhD course - Copenhagen, 22-26 August 2011 Scenario development Concept and examples Scenario development in two lectures Lecture 1 – Monday 22 August, 13:00-14:15 Background, overarching issues, concepts, definitions, tools • Complex Systems • Tools and methods to analyse complex systems • Scenarios Lecture 2 – Wednesday 24 August, 10:15 /media/loftslag/Kok_2-scenarios-lecture-2.pdf
  • 88. Perrels-CBA

    of market organisation alternatives 26.8.2011Adriaan Perrels/IL 10 Cost-benefit analysis – the basics 3 Simple example: despite positive IRR still cash flow challenge years 1 - 8 CBA example - initial investment 100; interest and discount 5%; operational cost +5%/y; benefits +10%/y; IRR = 7.4% -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 years m o n e y u n it s writing off finance /media/loftslag/Perrels-CBA.pdf

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