
88 results were found for L 정보이용료현금화 『TKTAKA COM』 티켓타카 M 정보이용료현금화 전문 포탈 대체하는🧍🏻‍♂️sophomoric/.


  • 41. aerodrome_summaries_20140603

    M (171FT ) FRE Q UENCIE S (PE R CENT ) O F OCCU R RENC E O F CONCURREN T WIN D DIRECTIO N (I N 30 0 SEC T ORS ) AN D SPEE D (I N KN O TS ) WITHI N SPECIFIE D RANGE S ANN U A L WIN D WIN D SPEE D (KT) ) DIRECTIO N CAL M 1– 5 6–1 0 11–1 5 16–2 0 21–2 5 26–3 0 31–3 5 36–4 0 41–4 5 46–5 0 >5 0 T O T A L V ARIABL E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35-36-0 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 02-03-0 4 0 2 4 4 3 1 0 0 /media/vedur/aerodrome_summaries_20140603.pdf
  • 42. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

    ] 1000 1006 1012 T0 [ C] 1 5 9 LT [K km 1] 7.1 6.3 5.1 L [K km 1] 2.6 5.7 7.9 within that part of the island with terrain up to 1000 m above mean sea level (mASL). The expo- nential decrease in pressure with height outweighs the linear decrease in temperature, leading to an effective decrease in air density with height. The standard value of 1.225 kg m 3 is therefore only appropriate at low /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/2013_001_Nawri_et_al.pdf
  • 43. ces_wind_flyer-hq

     Energy group in CES climate change. The principal aims of the wind energy group are to: • Analyse extreme wind in the Nordic countries extreme wind atlas (50-year wind in 100 m height) • Investigate climate change impact on the extreme and strong wind • Development of a sea-state model to estimate fair-weather windows for offshore wind farms The Global Climate Models (AOGCM) are downscaled /media/ces/ces_wind_flyer-hq.pdf
  • 44. VI_2009_006_tt

    the maximum discharge of jökulhlaup water at the glacier terminus is estimated as 97 m3 s 1. This jökulhlaup was a fast-rising jökulhlaup as other jökulhlaups in Skaftá and cannot be described by the traditional Nye-theory of jökulhlaups. The total volume of flood water was estimated as 53 Gl. The average propagation speed of the subglacial jökulhlaup flood front was found to be in the range 0.2–0.4 m s 1 /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_006_tt.pdf
  • 45. VI_2015_005

    but are considered for climatological anal- yses only if their centre depression on the 1000 hPa geopotential height field reaches at least 20 m relative to the 24 surrounding grid points over the course of their lifetime. 7 This study is concerned with well-developed, persistent, mid- to high-latitude large-scale weather systems, rather than their early detection and tracking. Therefore, cyclones /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_005.pdf
  • 46. Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS

    and goals to un- certainty in data and models have to be taken into account in the management process. The fundamental importance of uncertainty in water man- agement can be illustrated by EU’s Water Framework Direc- tive (WFD). The WFD is an outcome of EU environmental policy, where one of the basic principles is ‘‘to contribute to Uncertainty in the environmental m and guidanc Jens Christian /media/loftslag/Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS.pdf
  • 47. VI_2016_006_rs

    was 0.1–0.2 C and the flow was 40–50 l/s (Árni Hjartarson, 2015). The inner Efri-Botnar area is similar to the outer cirque, but the thickness of the debris appears to be somewhat greater. There are ridges and lateral glacier moraines within the cirque and the thickness of the piles of loose materials near the mouth of the cirque is around 6–8 m. Glacier striations from the end of the last ice age can /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2016/VI_2016_006_rs.pdf
  • 48. Tornado_Impacts_-_FMI_Presentation

    -scale Category P e r c e n t a g e o f C a t e g o r y F a t a l i t i e s Permanent Homes Casualties and Timing Casualties and Time of Day 150 200 250 I n d e x V a l u e Fatalities 0 50 100 Overnight Morning Early Afternoon Late Afternoon Late Evening I n d e x V a l u e Injuries Nocturnal Tornadoes 7 8 9 10 R a t i o N i g h t t o O t h e r T i m e s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F /media/loftslag/Tornado_Impacts_-_FMI_Presentation.pdf
  • 49. VI2010-006_web

    og hart sem skýra má með því að það hafi verið undir þungu fargi jökulíss. Akureyrarbrekkurnar eru í aðalatriðum bakkar sem myndaðir eru í þessi þéttu setlög, allt að 60 m háir, en nyrsti hluti brekknanna eru há klappar- holt. Yfirborð er nú gróið og þakið jarðvegi en ýmislegt bendir þó til þess að fyrir 200–300 árum hafi brekkurnar verið mikið til gróðurvana. Áður gekk sjór víðast alveg að /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/VI2010-006_web.pdf
  • 50. Climate and Modeling Scenarios

    : Icelandic Hydrological Committee. Pryor, S., Barthelmie, R.J., Claussen, N.E., Nielsen, N.M., Kjellström, E. & Drews, M. (2009). Climate change impacts on extreme wind speeds. In: Rockel, B., Bärring, L and Reckermann, M. (eds.) Proceedings from WCRP Workshop on Regional Climate Modelling. Lund, Sweden 4-8 May 2009. International BALTEX Secretariat Publication No. 41, ISSN 1681-6471, 271-272 /ces/publications/nr/1680

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