
82 results were found for L 출장마사지♩ㄲr톡 GTTG5♩飖태릉입구역슈얼마사지㌀태릉입구역슈얼출장詫태릉입구역스웨디시☐태릉입구역스웨디시출장♍murmurous/.


  • 71. Weather stations

    data KraflaNorth EsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data KvískerSouth EsjObs.Info.Obs. data Kvísker VegagerðarstöðSouth EsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data Return to the top of the page L LambavatnBreiðafjsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data LandmannalaugarCentralxfInfo.Obs. data LaufbaliCentralsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data LaxárdalsheiðiBreiðafjsjObs.ForecastMeteogramInfo.Obs. data /weather/stations/
  • 72. Mid-Latitudes-Agenda1_nov2013EH

    10:25 – 10:40 Icelandic Perspective and Hemispheric Overview (Chair: Edward Hanna) Iceland: on the northern flank of the jet stream – T Jónsson Circumpolar Vortex: Calculations and Correlations – P Jones Response of the wintertime atmospheric circulation to current and projected Arctic sea ice decline – G Magnusdottir Group Discussion 10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:45 11:00 – 11:20 /media/loftslag/Mid-Latitudes-Agenda1_nov2013EH.pdf
  • 73. CES_D2_2_poster_3x3

    CMIP3 Multimodel Dataset: A New Era in Climate Change Research. Bulletin of the Americal Meteorological Society, 88, 1383-1394. Naki enovi , N. and R. Swart (Eds.) 2000: Emission Scenarios. A Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 599 pp. Räisänen, J. and L. Ruokolainen 2006: Probabilistic forecasts of near-term climate /media/ces/CES_D2_2_poster_3x3.pdf
  • 74. ces_risk_flyer

    20–30 years. It will address how the conditions for production of renewable energy in the Nordic area might change due to global warming. It will focus on the potential production and the future safety of the production systems as well as uncertainties. Risk Assessment The target user group for the tool, which is aimed to be a first step in determining a strategy for identifying potential risks /media/ces/ces_risk_flyer.pdf
  • 75. Nikulin_Grigory_CES_2010

    -OBS data set (ver. 1.1) (Haylock et al., 2008) Data and method Variables (daily) max and min 2m temperature max 10m gust wind (Brasseur 2001 ) accumulated precipitation Extreme events the generalised extreme value (GEV) distribution the 20-year return values of annual max/min temperature and max gust wind summer and winter maximum of precipitation fitting the GEV: stationary model, L-moments /media/ces/Nikulin_Grigory_CES_2010.pdf
  • 76. Eriksson_2-Acceptability-of-policy

    for behavioural responses to policy • Psychological models of behaviour change (e.g., TPB) Ajzen & Fishbein (1991) Subjective norm Specific attitudes Perceived behavioural control Intention Behaviour Normative beliefs Behavioural beliefs Control beliefs P O L I C Y (3) Factors important for behavioural responses to policy cont. • Cost-minimization principle (Loukopoulos et al. 2006) • Barriers /media/loftslag/Eriksson_2-Acceptability-of-policy.pdf
  • 77. 2010_003rs

    A (A1, A2, A3). ........................................................................................... 89 Figure B.2. Rake distribution for mapped faults/clusters in box B, Fagradalsfjall-W. ...... 90 Figure B.3. Rake distribution for mapped faults/clusters in box C, Fagdaralsfjall-E. ....... 90 Figure B.4. Rake distribution for mapped faults/clusters in box D, Kleifarvatn /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/2010_003rs.pdf
  • 78. Keskitalo_et_al-MLG_and_adaptation_FINAL

    Department of Geography and Economic History, Umeå University, Umeå 90187, Sweden. Tel. +46-90-786 50 80. Fax. +46-90-786 63 59 Abstract A coherent application of a multi-level framework that takes interactions between levels and how these are shaped by the political system into account is a prerequisite for understanding the development and implementation of climate change adaptation policies /media/loftslag/Keskitalo_et_al-MLG_and_adaptation_FINAL.pdf
  • 79. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    emission scenario were even greater, on average 5.1% units (Fig. 5), indicating that the GCMs are a greater source of uncertainty than the choice of emission sce- nario or RCM. The flow regimes in different regions in Finland are demon- strated with the five example hydrographs of the reference period and of 2070–2099 (Fig. 8a–e, see Fig. 1c for locations). In northern (Fig. 8a) and central (Fig. 8b /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 80. VI_2015_005

    at the bound- aries. With longitude, l , parameterised as a function of latitude, f , these boundaries are at l1 = 30 30 40 (f 40) (2) and l2 = 45 90 40 (f 40) : (3) This suggests dividing the study domain into three parts: a western sector, with l < l1, covering the region west of Greenland; a central sector, with l1 l < l2, including the region of the Icelandic Low; and an eastern sector /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_005.pdf

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