
79 results were found for v 출장안마○ㄲr톡 gttg5○㙈덕소외국인여성출장ઔ덕소외국인출장あ덕소점심출장坓덕소중국마사지🏃🏼‍♂️geodetic/.


  • 51. ces_flyer_glacierssnowandice

    )  Measured  1997  and  1999  ice  surfaces  of  Lang‐ jökull  and  Hofsjökull,  respectively.  c)  Steady‐state  glacier  geometries after a  few hundred year  spin‐up with  constant  mass balance forcing. Figure 3: Simulated response of Langjökull (L), Hofsjökull (H)  and southern Vatnajökull (V) to climate change. The inset  numbers are projected volumes relative to the initial stable  ice geometries /media/ces/ces_flyer_glacierssnowandice.pdf
  • 52. esa_flyer_new

    EA Analyse A/S and Optensys Energianalys will forecast energy system variables, while SINTEF Energy Research will make assumptions for the energy system in different cases, include new inputs in the EMPS model and carry out simulations. Cl i ma t e Sc e nar i os G ro u p R i s ø St o c h as t i c v a r i a b l e s Clima t e s c e n a r i o NV E S M H I FE I N o r w a y S w e d e n F inla n /media/ces/esa_flyer_new.pdf
  • 53. Hock_Regine_CES_2010rs

    - balance model • Monthly temperature • Monthly precipitation Step 2: Extrapolation of model parameters to all glaciers in Iceland and Scandinavia • Gridded climate variables Step 3: Future projections until 2100 for each glacier: - run mass-balance model - Volume-area scaling Volume-area-length scaling V = c Aγ • Glacier inventory data • downscaled GCM scenarios A(t V(t ΔV Methodology Step /media/ces/Hock_Regine_CES_2010rs.pdf
  • 54. Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010

    100 15 17 19 21 23 25 Mean annual peak runoff (mm/day) P e r c e n t a g e b e l o w g i v e n v a l u e g39g72g79g87g68g3g70g75g68g81g74g72g3 g40g80g83g76g85g76g70g68g79g3g68g71g77g88g86g87g80g72g81g87 Percentage change in 200-year flood Uncertainty – Relative magnitude of sampled s urces N = 115 GCM/RCM = 50 EA/DC = 38 HBV = 27 • Differences in GCM/RCM tend to be more significant in inland /media/ces/Lawrence_Deborah_CES_2010.pdf
  • 55. Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM

    t / c o s t ratio H i g h L o w S c enar i o 1 S c ena r io 2 Present time 20302020 Socio E c onomic D e v elopme n t Figure 1. Scenario building for AWM in Horsens Fjord To estimate of the adaptation strategy (Table 2) we will use back-casting approach. The assessments of the productivity of this approach are based on main big strategies which need to have an attention. One of them /media/loftslag/Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM.pdf
  • 56. Reykholt-abstracts

    for monitoring cryopsheric changes Mauro Fischer, Matthias Huss and Martin Hoelzle ........................................................... 13 Monitoring the geodetic mass balance of very small glaciers in the Swiss Alps with a long- range terrestrial lidar system René Forsberg, Henriette Skourup and Sine M. Hvidegaard ............................................ 14 A decade of lidar measurements /media/vatnafar/joklar/Reykholt-abstracts.pdf
  • 57. VI_2015_009

    all sites was calculated (RMSET ): RMSET (%) = 1 N N i=1 v u u t1 L L l=1 Qi(D;Tl) bQi(D;Tl) Qi(D;Tl) 2 x100 (7) where Qi(D;Tl) is the reference flood quantile at gauged site i and return period Tl , calculated with the GEV distribution fitted to the observed AMF series and bQi(D;Tl) is the estimated flood quantile, calculated with the IFM ( bQi(D;T ) = bµi(D)qR(D;T )). RMSET was ranked /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_009.pdf
  • 58. programme2---PhD-Workshop-preceding-Adaptation-Research-Conference

    & 4 Y u a n g Z h e n g D e n m a r k F o r e s t r y & L a n d s c a p e 2 1 0 A t h a n a s i o s V o t s i s F i n l a n d U r b a n & r e g i o n a l p l a n n i n g 3 3 2 E i v i n d J u n k e r N o r w a y L a w 4 3 3 M i c h a e l L a i h o F i n l a n d E u r o p e a n s t u d i e s 5 2 0 H e c to r G u i n e a B a r r i e n to s S w e d e n N a t u r a l r e s o u /media/loftslag/programme2---PhD-Workshop-preceding-Adaptation-Research-Conference.pdf
  • 59. VI2010-006_web

  • 60. Publications

    Radic, V., Roald, L. A., Rosberg, J., Rogozova, S., Sigurðsson, O., Suomalainen, M., Thorsteinsson, T., Vehviläinen, B., & Veijalainen, N. (2007). Impacts of climate change on river runoff, glaciers and hydropower in the Nordic area. Joint final report from the CE Hydrological Models and Snow and Ice Groups. Reykjavík: Climate and Energy [Report (high resolution 15 MB)] [Report (low resolution 4 MB /climatology/research/ce/publications/

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