Sky phenomena have always raised our interest but now we must shift our attention from the beautiful to the practical. Scientists have made massive progress in understanding the climate system and how human activities are altering it. Despite that progress, decision makers continue to struggle with climate change risk management.

A lecture on climate research


Global Climate Change, its expression and  impacts on natural systems in Iceland is one of the research topics at IMO. Climate Change is largely driven by the increase in greenhouse gasses, due to human induced emissions.

On Wednesday June 13th 2012 Professor Michael E. Mann, Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Pennsylvania, will give a lecture on climate research and the extent to which public discussion is based on the most relevant research.

The lecture will take place at the University of Iceland from 12:00–13:30 in Oddi, room 101.

It is hosted by EDDA – Center of Excellence in collaboration with the School of Humanities, University of Iceland.

For details see original announcement.

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