Avalanche bulletin - Northern Westfjords
Tue Jan 14
Low danger -
Wed Jan 15
Low danger -
Thu Jan 16
Low danger
The snowpack has subsided and strengthened during thaw. Avalanche danger is considered low.
Avalanche problems in the area
HeightAll heights
Small wet avalanches are possible in warm weather and rain on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Snow layers and snow cover
Layered, relatively thin wind slabs and persistent weak layers were present in the mountains before the thaw that began on Friday, January 10th. Since then, snow has settled in warm weather, becoming more uniform and stronger. Snow gauges indicate that the snow has reached an isothermal state in many areas. In some gullies high in the mountains, layering and weaknesses may still exist, but overall, the snow is considered stable.
Recent avalanches
No reports of recent avalanches.
Weather forecast
Variable winds on Tuesday, with considerable rain in the afternoon, possibly sleet or snow on the highest mountains. Rain and brisk southerly winds on Wednesday. Freezing on Thursday with little precipitation.