Sea ice in June 2010
IMO received five observations on sea ice this month.
On the 12th and 14th, ships observed an ice strip at 66°42'N and 24°15' W up to 66°59'N and 22°24'W. On the 14th an observation was also received from the weather station „Hraun á Skaga“ on an iceberg 10-11 nm northwest of Skagatá.
On the 22nd an ice strip was observed at 66°49'N and 22°22'W until 66°51'N and 22°09'W.
On the 29th two icebergs were observed in Þverál. IMO issued information and an image of the ice edge 16th June.
Wind directions were close to the average in the Greenland Strait and off the north coast of Iceland.