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  • 11. Factsheet-Bardarbunga-20140913

    in Fjarðarbyggð.  Air quality in urban areas in the East of Iceland: o Forecasts indicate that high concentrations of sulphuric gases may be expected in the northern part of the Eastern fjords, Fljótsdalur, Hérað, Jökuldalur, and on Langanes. Forecast indicates that concentration may become higher later today. The Environment Agency will set up new monitoring stations in Akureyri /media/jar/myndsafn/Factsheet-Bardarbunga-20140913.pdf
  • 12. Factsheet-Bardarbunga-140905

    eruptive fissures had opened to the south of the on-going eruption.  At 8:30, a surveillance flight with scientists from the IMO and University of Iceland observed the following o Two new eruptive fissures formed south of the previous eruption site in Holuhraun, in a graben, that had formed above the intrusion, about 2km away from Dyngjujökull. o The eruptive fire fountains from the new /media/jar/Factsheet-Bardarbunga-140905.pdf
  • 13. Group5-Stakeholders_involvement

    /EPP 2 Stakeholders analysis 26 August 2011 PM/YZ/EPP 3 Stake h o l d e r s P u b l i c / p r i v at e P o w e r l e v e l (“ n u i s an ce” ca p a c i t y ) O r i e n tat i o n H or s t e n s m uni c ipal i t y ( c o m pe t e n t a u t h ori t y ) P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e N eighbour mun i c i p ali t y P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e Poli c y /media/loftslag/Group5-Stakeholders_involvement.pdf
  • 14. Factsheet_Bardarbunga-140909

    Conclusions of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Icelandic Civil Protection: • The eruptive activity at Holuhraun continues at similar intensity. o Lava flows to the East at similar rates as yesterday. The lava is now flowing in the river bed of Jökulsá á Fjöllum. No explosive activity due to the lava and river water interaction has been observed, but steam rises from the lava. • Air /media/jar/Factsheet_Bardarbunga-140909.pdf
  • 15. Factsheet-Bardarbunga-140907

    not decreased. Magma flow is between 100 and 200 m3/s. The lava advances by about 1 km/day and its area yesterday afternoon was around 16 km2. o The eruption sites are the same as before. The eruptive intensity on the southern fissure that opened on Friday is much less than on the northern fissure that has been active since the beginning of the eruption. o The lava tongue now extends 11 km /media/jar/Factsheet-Bardarbunga-140907.pdf
  • 16. Factsheet_Bardarbunga-140910

    in urban areas in East of Iceland: o Concentrations of SO2, comparable to those measured in the last few days, could increase slightly today in the east due to the direction of the wind. Efforts to increase gas monitoring in inhabited areas are ongoing. Data from The Environmental Agency SO2 monitoring stations in Reyjahlíð, Egilsstaðir and Reyðarfjörður are accessible on the web-site /media/jar/myndsafn/Factsheet_Bardarbunga-140910.pdf
  • 17. Factsheet_Bardarbunga-140912

     Scientists flying over the Bárðarbunga area yesterday reported no new changes in the surface.  Air quality in urban areas in the East of Iceland: o Forecasts indicate that high concentrations of sulphuric gases may be expected in the northern part of the Eastern fjords, Fljótsdalur, Hérað, Jökuldalur, and Vopnafjörður. Forecast indicates that concentration may become highest in Hérað later /media/jar/Factsheet_Bardarbunga-140912.pdf
  • 18. Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20140915

    more to the east from Mývatn-area in the west to Vopnafjordur bay in the east. Tomorrow lighter westerly winds are expected and likely effected area will be from Vopnafjörður bay, and south towards Djúpivogur.  Instructions: o People who feel discomfort are advised to stay indoors, close their windows, turn up the heat and turn off air conditioning. Use periods of good air quality /media/jar/myndsafn/Factsheet_Bardarbunga_20140915.pdf
  • 19. VI_2013_008

    o j(t) (with j = 1; :::;k). The general principle of the analogue-based method is to identify, in a historical archive, the most similar state X(u) to X(t), according to some analogy criteria. The future evolution of the current state X(t) after a lead time T , X(t+T ), can be forecasted by using the evolution of analogous state X(u), after the same lead time T , X(u+T ). In other words /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/VI_2013_008.pdf
  • 20. CES_BioFuels_Flyer_new

    ) and changing climate (CC:CC) 1. Current climate (CU) - varying thinning regimes (0%, 15%, 30%,45%) 2. Changing climate (CC) - varying thinning regimes (0%, 15%, 30%,45%) 3. Current (CU) & changing climate (CC) - current thinning regime 4. Current (CU) & changing climate (CC) - changed thinning regimes C l i m a t e s c e n a r i o s M ea s u r e m en t s o f c l i m a t e p /media/ces/CES_BioFuels_Flyer_new.pdf

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