
85 results were found for r 남양주휴게텔%『』 늑대훈련소✃시흥op※김포안마✥경기립카페 김포안마.


  • 11. Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM

    example can be given by the low cost still flood risk adaptation by implementing early warning system. But there is one more suggestion dfor stakeholders to restrict infrastructure in the cities of Horsens. Fiva PhD Courses : Adaptive management in relation to climate change (august 22 2011 - august 26 2011) 2 / 3 R es e a r c h Flood f r equenc y a n d i n t ensi t y c o m m un i c a t /media/loftslag/Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM.pdf
  • 12. VED_AnnualReport-2013_screen

    and our intention is to run these models dur- ing times of hazardous events and even on a daily basis to further improve monitoring. Avalanche monitoring has progressed. The em- phasis is now on improving our services, especially to the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration with regard to transport. The reason is that com- munity structure has changed considerably in recent years and the need /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VED_AnnualReport-2013_screen.pdf
  • 13. IPPC-2007-ar4_syr

    TS.1b, TS.2b} Global anthropogenic GHG emissions F-gases CO2 from fossil fuel use and other sources CH4 from agriculture, waste and energy CO2 from deforestation, decay and peat N2O from agriculture and others GtC O 2-eq / y r 28.7 35.6 39.4 44.7 49.0 The largest growth in GHG emissions between 1970 and 2004 has come from energy supply, transport and industry, while resi- dential and commercial /media/loftslag/IPPC-2007-ar4_syr.pdf
  • 14. Public-Choice-2012---McGuiness-and-Walker---Foundations-of-the-Ostrom-workshop---institutional-analysis,-polycentricity,-and-self-governance-of-the-commons

    & Ostrom, E. (2008). Will lessons from small-scale social dilemmas scale up? In A. Biel, D. Eek, T. Gärling, & M. Gustaffson (Eds.), New issues and paradigms in research on social dilemmas (pp. 189–211). Berlin: Springer. Netting, R. McC. (1981). Balancing on an alp: ecological change and continuity in a Swiss mountain com- munity. New York: Cambridge University Press. Olson, M. (1965). The logic /media/loftslag/Public-Choice-2012---McGuiness-and-Walker---Foundations-of-the-Ostrom-workshop---institutional-analysis,-polycentricity,-and-self-governance-of-the-commons.pdf
  • 15. Alam_Ashraful_CES_2010

    FOREST BIOMASS FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION – POTENTIALS, MANAGEMENT AND RISKS UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE Ashraful Alam, Antti Kilpeläinen, Seppo Kellomäki School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu F t Cli t d R bl E I t Ri k d Ad t tiu ure Cl ma e an enewa e nergy – mpac s, s s an ap a on Oslo, Norway 2 June, 2010 Contents • Forestry in Finland • Challenges • Objectives /media/ces/Alam_Ashraful_CES_2010.pdf
  • 16. Publications 2022

    in Iceland: Climate projections and historical changes in precipitation type Andréa-Giorgio R. Massad, Guðrún Nína Petersen, Halldór Björnsson, Matthew J. Roberts & Tinna Þórarinsdóttir99 20,6 /about-imo/publications/2022/
  • 17. VI_2015_009

    by rescaling a dimensionless regional flood frequency distribution or growth curve, qR(D;T ), com- mon to all sites of the homogeneous region, with the so-called index flood, µi(D), of the target site: bQi(D;T ) = µi(D)qR(D;T ); (1) where bQi(D;T ) is the estimated flood quantile, i.e. the T -year flood peak discharge averaged over duration D, at site i. The regional growth curve, qR(D;T /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_009.pdf
  • 18. AnneFleig_May2010_CES

    E l b e i n D r e s d e n , A p r i l 2 0 0 7 CES conference, Oslo, Norway, 31 May - 2 June 2010 Typical features • develop slowly, • become severe when they cover a large region and persist for an extended period. E l b e i n D r e s d e n , A p r i l 2 0 0 7 ( s p i e g e l . d e ) Anne K. Fleig et al. “Regional hydrological droughts and weather types in north /media/ces/AnneFleig_May2010_CES.pdf
  • 19. VI_2015_005

    This is also the case with cyclones in all three sectors. Cyclones in the eastern or western sector are also strongly affected by the presence of central cyclones. In both sectors, cyclones tend to move east, unless there are cyclones in the neighbouring sector, in which case pressure tendencies are reversed. 21 Figure 10. Composite mean temporal MSLP tendencies, for different MSLP modes. Com- posite mean /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_005.pdf
  • 20. Lettenmaier_Dennis_CES_2010pdf

    interpolated to VIC scale Regional Bias: spatial example GSM: NCEP Global Spectral Model obs prcp GSM prcp obs temp GSM temp JULY Verification using NCEP Global Spectral Model (GSM) output Process into the daily VIC-scale input time series Force hydrology model to produce streamflow Ohio R. flow @ Metropolis, IL Start with GSM-scale monthly observed T & P (“unbiased”) time series /media/ces/Lettenmaier_Dennis_CES_2010pdf.pdf

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