
88 results were found for L 정보이용료현금화 『TKTAKA COM』 티켓타카 M 정보이용료현금화 전문 포탈 대체하는🧍🏻‍♂️sophomoric/.


  • 21. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    in Finland Noora Veijalainen a,*, Eliisa Lotsari b, Petteri Alho b, Bertel Vehviläinen a, Jukka Käyhkö b a Freshwater Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, Mechelininkatu 34a, P.O. Box 140, FI-00251, Helsinki, Finland b Department of Geography, FI-20014 University of Turku, Turku, Finland a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 7 January 2010 Received in revised form 13 June 2010 Accepted /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 22. Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change

    to fschoo lcurricul a Savenij ean d Va n de rZaa g (200 0), Rondinell ie t al .( 198 3) 7. Wate reducatio n IWR M is regularl y introduce d in educational/capacit y buildin g program s fo r wate r professional s Savenij ean d Va n de rZaa g (200 0), Rondinell ie t al .( 198 3) (C )Governanc e 4. Typ e o fgovernanc e Consensua l(bottom-up )governanc e versu s top–dow n governanc e (governanc e /media/loftslag/Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change.pdf
  • 23. Adalgeirsdottir-etal-tc-5-961-2011

    were carried out to obtain the flow and sliding parameters for Hoffellsjökull that resulted in a good simulation of the observed 20th century evolution of the glacier geometry. The obtained values for the rate factor and the sliding parameter are A= 4.6× 10−15 s−1 kPa−3 and C = 10× 10−15 m a−1 Pa−3, respectively. The ice divide is kept at a fixed location in the model com- putations presented here /media/ces/Adalgeirsdottir-etal-tc-5-961-2011.pdf
  • 24. programme2---PhD-Workshop-preceding-Adaptation-Research-Conference

    inty in decision making linking pluriform uncertainty combining certified and tacit knowledge Tommy Chan Mich el Laiho Patrick Driscoll Kare Lundgren Hector Guin a Barrientos Eivind Junker Jussi Ylhäisi Athanasios Votsis Karoliina Pilli-Sihvola Yuang Zheng Väi ö Nurmi Jiao Xi nj Wejs a p p l i c a n t n o . a b s t r a c t n o . n a m e c o u n t r y d i s c i p l i n e ( M S c . ) 1 3 /media/loftslag/programme2---PhD-Workshop-preceding-Adaptation-Research-Conference.pdf
  • 25. Statistical Analysis

    in the Nordic energy system, Final report of the Climate and Energy project, Nord 2007:003, 58-73. Hisdal, H., Holmqvist E., Jónsdóttir, J.F., Jónsson, P., Järvet, A., Lindström, G., Kolcova, T., Kriauciuniene, J., Kuusisto, E., Lizuma, L., Meilutyte-Barauskiene, D., Reihan, A. & L.A. Roald (2007). Climate change signals in streamflow data in the Nordic and Baltic region, In: M. Heinonen (Ed.) Proceedings /ces/publications/nr/1943
  • 26. esa_flyer_new

    EA Analyse A/S and Optensys Energianalys will forecast energy system variables, while SINTEF Energy Research will make assumptions for the energy system in different cases, include new inputs in the EMPS model and carry out simulations. Cl i ma t e Sc e nar i os G ro u p R i s ø St o c h as t i c v a r i a b l e s Clima t e s c e n a r i o NV E S M H I FE I N o r w a y S w e d e n F inla n /media/ces/esa_flyer_new.pdf
  • 27. VI_2014_005

    in an overall cold bias, compared with station measurements. To test, whether this is due to the HARMONIE model core or the external surface scheme, biases of 2-m temperature from SURFEX are com- pared with biases of temperature projected from the lowest two model levels to 2 mAGL. It is found that the negative temperature biases are due to shallow inversion layers near the ground, which are introduced /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2014/VI_2014_005.pdf
  • 28. Lettenmaier_Dennis_CES_2010pdf

    Withdrawal Reliability Grand Coulee Recreation Reliability R e l i a b i l i t y ( % , m o n t h l y b a s e d ) Control Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 RCM 2040-2069 60 80 100 120 140 Firm Hydropower Annual Flow Deficit at McNary P e r c e n t o f C o n t r o l R u n C l i m a t e PCM Control Climate and Current Operations PCM Projected Climate and Current Operations PCM Projected /media/ces/Lettenmaier_Dennis_CES_2010pdf.pdf
  • 29. VI_2020_005

    coast, wind forcing is the primary driver of sea level extremes but less so for the Kattegat/Skagerak region than for the Baltic (M. Hieronymus, J. Hieronymus, and Arneborg, 2017). Like in Norway, atmospheric pressure is the most influential contributor to mean sea level changes on timescales up to a few years in the UK but steric changes dominate on decadal timescales (Dangendorf, Calafat, et al /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_005.pdf
  • 30. GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen

    to model a longtime-series sever l simplifications to the fully dis-tributed nergy-balance approach are necessary.To judge the performance of a mass balance mod- el, its results sh uld be compared with observed da-ta. A series f winter- and summer balances is pref- LISS M. ANDREASSEN AND JOHANNES OERLEMANS ? The authors 2009 Journal compilation ? 2009 Swedish Society for Anthropology /media/ces/GA_2009_91A_4_Andreassen.pdf

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