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  • 21. VI_2016_006_rs

    Such landslides fall from a comparatively high elevation, cause extensive disruption and upheaval of loose materials and soils in their way, and can travel considerable distances uphill against opposing slopes. Secondly, there are medium-sized or large, rapid debris flows that are released from com- paratively high elevations and are confined to gullies as they travel down the mountain- side, similar /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2016/VI_2016_006_rs.pdf
  • 22. Mid-Latitudes-Agenda1_nov2013EH

    Thursday, 14 November Time Agenda Item 09:00 – 10:30 09:00 – 09:20 09:20 – 09:40 09:40 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:30 Potential Arctic / Mid-Latitude Linkages - East Asia (Chair: Jim Overland) Rapid Arctic Warming in Recent Decades and Its Impact on Climate Change over East Asia - S-J Kim Extreme weather in northern mid-latitudes linked to cryosphere loss - Q Tang A cause of the AO /media/loftslag/Mid-Latitudes-Agenda1_nov2013EH.pdf
  • 23. ces-glacier-scaling-memo2009-01

    of melt water from glaciated areas in long integrations for a warming climate. Glacier dynamics This problem can be qualitatively analysed by considering the continuity equation for ice vol- ume, which may be expressed as ¶h ¶t + ¶q ¶x = b or ¶h ¶t +~ ~q = b ; (1) for a one-dimensional ice flow channel or an ice cap that flows in two horizontal dimensions, respectively. h is ice thickness, q or ~q /media/ces/ces-glacier-scaling-memo2009-01.pdf
  • 24. VI_2020_008

    a precipitation value from a given location based on values from a regular gridded dataset. ................................................................................................. 28 Figure 7. Scatterplots and QQ plots comparing daily precipitation from the ICRA dataset and observations with different extraction methods for station Eskifjörður. .................................. 30 /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_008.pdf
  • 25. raisanen_ruosteenoja_CES_D2.2

    in Table 2.1. Some potential limitations of using the CMIP3 ensemble for probabilistic climate change forecasting should be mentioned. First, current GCMs still have a relatively coarse horizontal resolution. Within the CMIP3 ensemble, the grid spacing varies from 1.1 q latitude × 1.1q longitude to 4 q latitude × 5q longitude (for the analysis presented here, all the model results were /media/ces/raisanen_ruosteenoja_CES_D2.2.pdf
  • 26. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

    time-series. For wind energy assessments, the main emphasis is on an accurate determination of average wind power density. As discussed in previous sections, average power density is approximately propor- tional to the mean cube of wind speed. Rescaling factors for modelled wind speed time-series, interpolated to station locations, are therefore defined here as 3 q S3o=S3m. Aside from /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/2013_001_Nawri_et_al.pdf
  • 27. 2010_005_

    which are significantly lower com- pared with similar beginning and end years. Consequently, for the 2004–50 period, the average RCM warming rates of 0.29 K per decade over the ocean, and 0.35 K per decade over the land are somewhat larger than for the reduced IPCC ensemble mean. Additionally, the tabulated values of SAT differences between the 1961–90 control period and either the 2021–50 /media/ces/2010_005_.pdf
  • 28. Water_resources_man_Veijalainen_etal

    draw-down of at least one meter by the beginning of April. In addition to Author's personal copy Climate Change Impacts on the Vuoksi Watershed in Finland 3441 Fig. 2 Schematic presentation of the new regulation scheme for Lake Pielinen. The outflow from the lake (Q) depends on the water level and time of year. The percentages give the deviation from outflow according to the natural rating curve /media/ces/Water_resources_man_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 29. D2.3_CES_Prob_fcsts_GCMs_and_RCMs

    19 CMIP3 GCMs are used (Table 2.1). The horizontal grid spacing of these models varies from 1.1 q latitude × 1.1q longitude to 4 q latitude × 5q longitude. For each 2 Some of the RCM simulations in the ENSEMBLES data base were conducted with funding from other sources, including CES. 5 model, a 198-year time series (1901-2098) obtained /media/ces/D2.3_CES_Prob_fcsts_GCMs_and_RCMs.pdf
  • 30. VI_2020_005

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