
85 results were found for Anonyma sökmotorer 🔍


  • 31. Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson

    Conference on Preparedness and Mitigation for Natural Disasters '92, 28 29 Maí, Reykjavík. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, Steinunn S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga og Ragnar Stefánsson 1996. The SIL data acquisition and monitoring system. Seism. Res. Lett. 67, 35 46. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, R. Slunga og Einar Kjartansson 1999. The SIL data acquisition system - at present /earthquakes-and-volcanism/conferences/jsr-2009/sigurdur/
  • 32. Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson

    Conference on Preparedness and Mitigation for Natural Disasters '92, 28 29 Maí, Reykjavík. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, Steinunn S. Jakobsdóttir, R. Slunga og Ragnar Stefánsson 1996. The SIL data acquisition and monitoring system. Seism. Res. Lett. 67, 35 46. Reynir Böðvarsson, Sigurður Th. Rögnvaldsson, R. Slunga og Einar Kjartansson 1999. The SIL data acquisition system - at present /earthquakes-and-volcanism/conferences/jsr-2009/sigurdur
  • 33. Group2-report

    1    Adaptive management to climate change in Horsens Fjord using scenario  development    Report by Maria, Azhar, Bjarke and Kerstin  Introduction  Horsens Fjord is an eutrophic estuary situated in east coast of Jutland, Denmark with approximately 46 km2  surface area. The Fjord is a part of bigger WFD catchments area with dominated agriculture area and small  forest, wetlands, lakes, and urban /media/loftslag/Group2-report.pdf
  • 34. Bárðarbunga 2015 - January events

  • 35. Bárðarbunga 2015 - January events

  • 36. Bardarbunga-2015_January-events

  • 37. VI_2009_012

    Appendix – near-field constraint ........................................................................................ 35  III Appendix – PGV and PGA versus distance for all events ................................................. 36  List of figures Figure 1. Map of SW Iceland showing the epicenters of 46 earthquakes used in the study.. 10  Figure 2. CMT-moment magnitude estimates vs /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_012.pdf
  • 38. VI_2022_006_extreme

    towards the northern part of Vatnajökull. Table 8 – Median 1M5 values (mm 24-h-1) for eleven hydropower catchments with and without climate projections for the period 2080 – 2100. Catchment 1M5 median value mm 24-h-1 Original RCP 2.6 RCP 8.5 10% 50% 90% 10% 50% 90% Blönduvirkjun 48 41 49 58 42 50 61 Búðarháls 46 40 47 56 40 48 59 Hágöngulón 63 55 65 76 55 66 81 Hálslón 85 75 88 104 /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2022/VI_2022_006_extreme.pdf
  • 39. aerodrome_summaries_20140603

    M (171FT ) FRE Q UENCIE S (PE R CENT ) O F OCCU R RENC E O F CONCURREN T WIN D DIRECTIO N (I N 30 0 SEC T ORS ) AN D SPEE D (I N KN O TS ) WITHI N SPECIFIE D RANGE S ANN U A L WIN D WIN D SPEE D (KT) ) DIRECTIO N CAL M 1– 5 6–1 0 11–1 5 16–2 0 21–2 5 26–3 0 31–3 5 36–4 0 41–4 5 46–5 0 >5 0 T O T A L V ARIABL E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35-36-0 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 02-03-0 4 0 2 4 4 3 1 0 0 /media/vedur/aerodrome_summaries_20140603.pdf
  • 40. FMI_-_Disaster_Mitigation

    Construction • Using the same method we can estimate what the reduction in damages would have been if the best construction practices were in place in all homes. • Potential damage reduction, based on this method, would have been as much as $46 million or 25% less than the permit value of $182 million Potential Economic Impact of Better Construction • Another useful comparison is to look /media/loftslag/FMI_-_Disaster_Mitigation.pdf

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