
82 results were found for l 주식대출ボ《𝟎𝟏𝟎-𝟔𝟕𝟓𝟑-𝟔𝟐𝟏𝟗} 5분대출✁서울달돈✿사업자대출 24시간즉시대출.


  • 31. norsem_lindholm

    Neotectonics in Nordland; NEONOR 2 C. Lindholm, O. Olesen, I. Janutyte, S. Gradman, M. Keiding, H. Kierulf, M. Ask, J. Dehls, Y. Maystrenko, F. Riis, L. Rise and other project partners The Nordland shore region is known to be seismically active with deep local sediment basins on the continental shelf that stretches some 200 km west of the coastline. The offshore areas west of Nordland have /media/norsem/norsem_lindholm.pdf
  • 32. VanderKeur_etal-2008-Uncertainty_IWRM-WARM

    h stat us an d goal s Locat io n — u n ce rta in tie s re la te d to So urc e o fun certaint y Natur e (1)/typ e(2 )o f u n ce rta in ty Co mment s R hin e at (su b-) catch m en tleve l W at er re so u rc es issu es Id en tif ica tio n an d pr io rit y settin g o fu rge nt wat er re so u rc es pr ob le m s; co n fli ct in g in te re sts amon g sector s an d stakeh older s M ul tip le fra m es (so /media/loftslag/VanderKeur_etal-2008-Uncertainty_IWRM-WARM.pdf
  • 33. Climate and Modeling Scenarios

    A. (2010b). 21st century changes in the European climate: uncertainties derived from an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Tellus, published online. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2010.00475. Ólafsson H, & Rögnvaldsson Ó. (2010). Regional and Seasonal Variability in Precipitation Scenarios For Iceland. Hydrology Research, in revision. Peltonen-Sainio, P., Hakala, K., Jauhiainen, L /ces/publications/nr/1680
  • 34. Jokull-guidlines

    Reykjavík, 139 pp. Paterson, W.S.B. 1994. The Physics of Glaciers (Third Edition). Pergamon. 480 pp. Vogt, P.R., G.L. Johnson and L. Kristjánsson 1980. Morphology and magnetic anomalies north of Iceland. J. of Geophysics 47, 67-80. Walker, G.P.L. 1974. Eruptive mechanisms in Iceland. In L. Kristjánsson, ed. Geodynamics of Iceland and the North Atlantic Area. D. Reidel, Dordrecht /media/jar/Jokull-guidlines.pdf
  • 35. Dataseries and components

    Analysed components - IMO's research: Sulphur and salinity measurements: Precipitation: SO4-S, NO3-N, Cl, Na, Mg, K, Ca (mg/l) Precipitation: conductivity (µS/cm), quantity (mm), pH Aerosol: SO4-S, Cl, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe (µg/m3) Air: SO2-S (µg/m3) Heavy metals in precipitation: Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn, V, As, Al (ng/ml) Cl, NO3-N, SO4-S, Na, K, Ca, Mg, NH4-N, Br, F (µg/ml) conductivity (µS/cm /pollution-and-radiation/pollution/components/
  • 36. Dyrrdal_Anita_CES_2010

    • Analyse future snow scenarios Introduction Data & Methods Results 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0-100 100- 200 200- 300 300- 400 400- 500 500- 600 600- 700 700- 800 800- 900 900- 1000 1000- 1100 1100- 1200 1200- 1300 1300- 1400 1400- 1500 1500- 1600 1600- 1700 1700- 1800 1800- 1900 1900- 2000 2000- 2100 2100- 2200 Høyde (m o.h.) A n t a l l v æ r s t a s j o n e r Elevation of /media/ces/Dyrrdal_Anita_CES_2010.pdf

    in: PROD/PROD0000000000222943.pdf . 8 April 2009. [5] Hein, L. (2007): “The impact of climate change on tourism in Spain”. Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo. CICERO Working Paper 2007:2. [6] INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (2009): “Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Series 2000-2008”. Avalable at http /media/loftslag/ECONOMIC_EFFECTS_OF_CLIMATE_CHANGE_ON_THE_TOURISM_SECTOR_IN_SPAIN.pdf
  • 38. Eriksson_Garvill_Nordlund_2006

    Journal of Environmental Psycholog l , Ume , e Acceptability of travel demand management (TDM) with the aim of reducing private car use is modeled following a hierarchical set of beliefs. In a two-part model, pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to reduce car use are linked to beliefs about to which extent the specific TDM measure is perceived /media/loftslag/Eriksson_Garvill_Nordlund_2006.pdf
  • 39. Hare-2011-ParticipatoryModelling

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Fr am ew o rk Cr ite ria u se d M ain pu rp o se o fframewor k Participator y m od ell in g purpos e Particip ator y structur e Contro lo f ow of in for m a tio n betwee n stakeholder s Timin g of event s Participatio n mod e Mo de l typ e Participator y m et ho ds use d Actor sinvolve d (at eac h /media/loftslag/Hare-2011-ParticipatoryModelling.pdf
  • 40. Hydropower - Glacier, Snow and Ice

    Guðmundsson, S., Björnsson, H., Pálsson, F., Jóhannesson, T., Hannesdóttir, H. o.fl. (2011). Modelling the 20th and 21st century evolution of Hoffellsjökull glacier, SE-Vatnajökull, Iceland. The Cryosphere, 5, 961-975, doi:10.5194/tc-5-961-2011. Andreassen, L. M., & Oerlemans, J. (2009). Modelling long-term summer and winter balances and the climate sensitivity of Storbreen, Norway. Geogr. Ann., 91 /ces/publications/nr/1940

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