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  • 41. Isskyrsla_20100120

    54 sml. NV frá Barða og 67 sml. NV frá Látrabjargi. Ísinn út af Vestfjörðum lá um eftirtalda staði: 1. N67.21,02 W024.01,52 2. N67.08,27 W024.16,01 3. N67.07,38 W024.29,39 4. N67.09,16 W024.41,11 5. N67.06,37 W025.01,38 6. N66.47,42 W025.08,59 7. N66.41,04 W025.22,05 8. N66.35,15 W025.58,47 9. N66.28,46 W026.02,27 10. N66.24,22 W026.20,48 11. N66.23,31 W026.52,16 12. N66.10,00 W026.40,44 13 /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Isskyrsla_20100120.pdf
  • 42. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    in flooding were evaluated at 67 sites in Finland with var- iable sizes of runoff areas using a conceptual hydrological model and 20 climate scenarios from both glo- bal and regional climate models with the delta change approach. Floods with a 100-year return period were estimated with frequency analysis using the Gumbel distribution. At four study sites depicting dif- ferent watershed types /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 43. The weather in Iceland in 2021

    0.2 Grímsstaðir 1.9 0.5 14 115 0.2 Miðfjarðarnes 3.7 # 6 22 0.2 Skjaldþingsstaðir 4.1 # 9 28 0.0 Egilsstaðir 4.0 0.2 16 to17 67 -0.2 Dalatangi 4.9 0.5 8 83 0.0 Teigarhorn 4.8 0.2 17 to 18 149 -0.1 Höfn í Hornaf. 5.0 # -0.5 /about-imo/news/the-weather-in-iceland-in-2021
  • 44. Hafisskyrsla-13-12-2010

    legur íssins norður og austur af Horni. Hafísskýrsla TF-SIF 13. desember 2010 Flug nr. 17510.025 Meginísrönd liggur um eftirtalin hnit. 1) 67 04.0N 020 51.0W 2) 66 44.0N 020 25.0W 3) 66 33.0N 020 36.0W 4) 66 35.0N 021 12.0W 5) 66 56.0N 021 39.0W 6) 66 54.0N 023 18.0W 7) 66 44.0N 023 23.0W 8) 66 33.0N 024 05.0W 9) 66 27.0N 024 58.0W 10) 66 /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Hafisskyrsla-13-12-2010.pdf
  • 45. IPPC-2007-ar4_syr

  • 46. The weather in Iceland in 2019

    55 0.4 Eyrarbakki 5.2 1.2 20 127 0.1 Keflavíkurflugvöllur 5.7 1.2 9 67 0.3 The annual mean was highest in Surtsey, off the Southern coast, 6.9°C, but lowest 1.7°C at Gagnheiði (in the East). The lowest annual temperature in inhabited areas, 1.1°C was measured at Möðrudalur in the north-eastern uplands. The year 2019 /about-imo/news/the-weather-in-iceland-in-2019
  • 47. vonKorff_etal-2010

    Copyright © 2010 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance. Von Korff, Y., P. d'Aquino, K. A. Daniell, and R. Bijlsma. 2010. Designing participation processes for water management and beyond. Ecology and Society 15(3): 1. [online] URL: http://www. Synthesis, part of a Special Feature on Implementing Participatory Water /media/loftslag/vonKorff_etal-2010.pdf
  • 48. Perrels-CBA

    uncompensated compensated pcpu (partial) remedies: • Information transparency (flood maps) • Insuring only value incl. Expected damage and lower value 26.8.2011Adriaan Perrels/IL 34 References Handbooks on SCBA: • http://www- 5/000020439_20070625152441/Rendered/PDF/207330REVISED.pdf • /media/loftslag/Perrels-CBA.pdf
  • 49. Ved-eng-2006

    An extensive grass fire was raging for a few days in the west, starting on 30 March. This grass fire is the largest known in Iceland, about 67 sq kilometers (6700 hectares) were burned. The squads fighting the fire managed to shield all farmhouses in the very sparsely populated area. The area will presumably recover in a few years as there is no forest there. Reykjavík /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skylduskil/Ved-eng-2006.pdf
  • 50. Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change

    tgovernmen tbodie s ar e involve d in settin g th e TOR s an d supervisin g th e search ,o r at leas tconsulte d (interviews ,survey s etc. ) Dub e an d Swatu k (200 2) Ide m fo rnon-governmenta lstakeholder s (e.g .environmenta lNGO’s ,use r groups ,citize n group s o r privat e sector ) Brannstro m et al .( 200 4), Sumber g an d Okal i( 200 6), Huisma n et al .( 200 0), Mart y (200 1) 19 /media/loftslag/Huntjens_etal-2010-Climate-change-adaptation-Reg_Env_Change.pdf

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