
87 results were found for x 북창동건마ŧ‘” 북창동아로마 북창동오피♙북창동안마 북창동업소.


  • 41. VI_2015_005

    This is also the case with cyclones in all three sectors. Cyclones in the eastern or western sector are also strongly affected by the presence of central cyclones. In both sectors, cyclones tend to move east, unless there are cyclones in the neighbouring sector, in which case pressure tendencies are reversed. 21 Figure 10. Composite mean temporal MSLP tendencies, for different MSLP modes. Com- posite mean /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_005.pdf
  • 42. Lorenzoni_Pidgeon_2006

    level, surveys commissioned by the European Com- munity/the European Union provide an indication of trends in concern about cli- mate change. Since 1992, such surveys have been undertaken among representative samples of citizens in its Member States, and specifically on topics related to the environment (Special Eurobarometers (EB) in 1992, 1995, 2002; and a Flash EB in 2002). These have included /media/loftslag/Lorenzoni_Pidgeon_2006.pdf
  • 43. Gradual fading of seismic activity at Bárðarbunga and the dyke intrusion

    with the general observation of a slowly fading activity in almost all other data sets. Inter-event waiting time For the Bárðarbunga caldera, inter-event waiting time for earthquakes equal to or larger than M5 has been plotted* during the four months period from the onset of events until 15 Dec 2014. On the y-axis, waiting time is given in hours. The x-axis shows the relevant earthquakes /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3039
  • 44. Group5-Stakeholders_involvement

    - m a k e r P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e I n s u re r s Pri v a t e S t ron g M ar k e t S c ie n t i f i c e x per t s ( g eo s c ie n c e s , e c o n o m i c s , s o c iolog y , p s y c hol o g y ) Publi c / pri v a t e - - I nd u s t ri e s Pri v a t e S t ron g M ar k e t W a t e r s upplie r P u b l i c S t ron g M ar k e t F ar m er s /media/loftslag/Group5-Stakeholders_involvement.pdf
  • 45. Traffc-maintenance_expenditures

    Manage- Basic Purchase Road Road net- Const- Acquisi- Govern- Com- Participati- Value Miscel- Total 2009 ment and road of equip- system work post- ruction tion of ment missi- on of the added laneous cost operating manage- ment develop- poned-, of land grants ons European tax over- level costs ment ment comprehen- build- and com- Regional De- heads 1991- 1991- sive- and ings pensation /media/loftslag/Traffc-maintenance_expenditures.pdf
  • 46. Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal

    ; fax: +358 20 490 2590. E-mail address: (N. Veijalainen). Journal of Hydrology 391 (2010) 333–350 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate / jhydrol Author's personal copy narios from GCMs or RCMs, and with different emission scenarios (e.g. Menzel et al., 2006; Minville et al., 2008; Prudhomme and Da /media/ces/Journal_of_Hydrology_Veijalainen_etal.pdf
  • 47. IPPC-2007-ar4_syr

    series, of which about 28,000 are from European studies. White areas do not contain sufficient observational climate data to estimate a temperature trend. The 2 x 2 boxes show the total number of data series with significant changes (top row) and the percentage of those consistent with warming (bottom row) for (i) continental regions: North America (NAM), Latin America (LA), Europe (EUR), Africa /media/loftslag/IPPC-2007-ar4_syr.pdf
  • 48. Kok_JGEC658_2009

    to be simple and therefore has important drawbacks. Future improvements should be made in the light of applications within a larger toolbox of scenario methods.  2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. * Tel.: +31 317 482422; fax: +31 317 419000. E-mail address: Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Global Environmental Change journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate /media/loftslag/Kok_JGEC658_2009.pdf
  • 49. Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM

    i on c a p ac i t y A r ea of r e s i d en c e (Flood p r one /non p r one a r eas) Un c e r t a n t i e s H i g h wi l l i n g n e s s t o p a y L o w wi l l i n g nes to pay D i k e s H i gh t a x a t i on - E arly w arn i n g s y s t e m s - Sof t s t r uct u r a l m e as u r e s -Community training L o w taxation Risk P e r c e p t i o n B e n e f i /media/loftslag/Group-1_Scenarios-for-AWM.pdf
  • 50. Public-Choice-2012---Teyssier---Inequity-and-risk-aversion-in-sequential-public-good-games

    + x−k) (1) Public Choice (2012) 151:91–119 95 with k = 1,2, and −k = 1 if k = 2, −k = 2 if k = 1. The variables xik and x−k are the contributions to the public good of subject i as mover k and mover −k, respectively. The contribution of the first mover is an integer x1 ∈ [0,10] and that of the second mover takes one of the two values x2 ∈ {0, x1}. 2.2 Theoretical predictions As noted /media/loftslag/Public-Choice-2012---Teyssier---Inequity-and-risk-aversion-in-sequential-public-good-games.pdf

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