
85 results were found for r 마곡2부ㅷ〔』○마곡2부집✴마곡요정✆마곡나이트 마곡바.


  • 51. Glossary

    We are hoping to find time to improve this glossary. Only a few items are available. For your relevant search, please click on one of the letters below: A Á B C D E É F G H I Í J K L M N O Ó P Q R S T U Ú V W X Y Ý Z Þ Æ Ö A A: Icelandic abbreviation of East (compass direction, easterly, eastern). ANA: Icelandic abbreviation of Eastnorthesast (compass direction). ASA: Icelandic /weather/articles/nr/1208/
  • 52. vanRoosmalen_etal-2009-WRR_2007WR006760

    with 20% and 2% for the HIRHAM experiments using HadAM3H and with 30% and 7% for the ECHAM- driven experiments for Middle Europe and Scandinavia, respectively. [18] RCM output is not available for the entire period 1961–2100 because transient RCM simulations are com- putationally very demanding. Instead two 30-year time slices are available; one representative for the climate in the period 1961–1990 /media/loftslag/vanRoosmalen_etal-2009-WRR_2007WR006760.pdf
  • 53. VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef

    ÁRSSKÝRSL A 2018 2 Á R S S K Ý R S L A 2 0 1 8 3 Frá forstjóra 4 Veðurstofan 2009–2019 12 Náttúrufar 18 Rannsóknir 20 Fjármál og rekstur 22 Ritaskrá starfsmanna ?Veðurstofa Íslands 2019 Bústaðavegi 7–9, 108 Reykjavík ISSN 2251-5607 Efni ársskýrslunnar var unnið af starfsmönnum Veðurstofu Íslands Ritstjórn: Sigurlaug Gunnlaugsdóttir Hönnun og umbrot: Hvíta húsið Prentun: Prentmet /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/arsskyrslur/VI_Arsskyrsla_2018_vef.pdf
  • 54. Keranen_Jaana_CES_2010

    Seuraukse t jakeluverkolle Seuraukset vo imala itoksell e Seuraukset energ ialähteelle ta i sen käytettävyydelle IPC C 2007 Alueell isen ilm astoskenaarion ta i mallien mukaan S euraus- lu ok ka Seurausten toden- näköisyys R iskin pienentäminen ja varaut um in en Jakeluve rkkoV oimala itos Energia läh de, (va lu ma-a lue, tu otantoa lue jn e) I lmiön e siin tymis- taaju us Skenaa riot tai /media/ces/Keranen_Jaana_CES_2010.pdf
  • 55. Milly_etal-2008-Stationarity-dead-Science

    challenges of renewing its decaying water infrastructure (25) and building new water infrastructure (26). Now is an opportune moment to update the analytic strategies used for planning such grand investments under an uncertain and changing climate. References and Notes 1. R. Ashley, A. Cashman, in Infrastructure to 2030: Telecom, Land Transport, Water and Electricity (Organization for Economic /media/loftslag/Milly_etal-2008-Stationarity-dead-Science.pdf
  • 56. VI_2014_005

    %) Subpolar wetlands: 7,208 km2 (7.5%) Subpolar crops: 2,380 km2 (2.5%) Inland water4: 1,463 km2 (1.5%) 4Including also the coastal lagoon Hópið, and the estuary at Höfn. 9 Inland Water Subpolar Wetlands Subpolar Crops Subpolar Pastures Tundra Sparse Tundra Permanent Snow Vatnajökull Mýrdalsjökull Langjökull Hofsjökull Drangajökull Eyja fjall ajö kul l Reykjanesskagi Sp ren gis an du r /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2014/VI_2014_005.pdf
  • 57. VI_2009_013

    version of the manuscript. References Allen, R. M., G. Nolet, W. J. Morgan, K. Vogfjörd, M. Nettles, G. Ekström, B. H. Bergsson, P. Erlendsson, G. Goulger, S. Jakobsdottir, B. Julian, M. Pritchard, S. Ragnarsson, and R. Stefansson (2002). Plume driven plumbing and crustal formation in Iceland, J. Geophys. Res., 107 (B8) 101029/2001JB000584. Ágústsson, K., and Ó. G. Flóvenz (2005). The Thickness /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_013.pdf
  • 58. VI_2020_005

  • 59. Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS

    - - by - . d - al- ral l on on, the l to in r so ip- de- of ) pollution sources and climate data.  Model structure uncertainty is the conceptual uncertainty due to incomplete understanding and simplified descrip- tions of modelled processes as compared to reality.  Parameter uncertainty, i.e. the uncertainties related to pa- rameter values.  Model technical uncertainty is the uncertainty arising /media/loftslag/Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS.pdf
  • 60. Isskyrsla_20100116

    eftirtalda staði: 1. 66°22,7‘N – 21°18,2‘V (Þaðan lá ísröndin í r/v 60°) 2. 66°23,6‘N – 21°20,8‘V 3. 66°23,6‘N – 21°27,4‘V 4. 66°25,5‘N – 21°28,8‘V 5. 66°26,5‘N – 21°41,9‘V (Þaðan lá ísröndin í norð, norðaustur) Var ísinn ca 7-9/10 að þéttleika þar sem ísröndin var en stöku smájakar í ca 1-2 sjm. út frá ísröndinni. Á svæðinu var þónokkur þoka eða u.þ.b. 1-2 sjm. skyggni og því ekki gott að gera /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Isskyrsla_20100116_rett.pdf

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