
84 results were found for Sökmotor for barn 🔍


  • 71. VI_2014_001

    ....................................................................................... 46 Appendix XI - Empirical and modeled instantaneous flood frequency distribu- tions for Region 1 derived with index flood model no. 6: bµ(D) = a(AP=Z)b ............ 47 Appendix XII - Empirical and modeled instantaneous flood frequency distribu- tions for Region 2 derived with index flood model no. 3: bµ(D) = a(APm)b ............. 49 6 1 Introduction /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2014/VI_2014_001.pdf
  • 72. Bárðarbunga 2014 - September events

    its way parallel to other flows. Therefore, the combined surface area of the lava field is no less than 46 km2. 29 September 2014 11:30 - from the Scientific Advisory Board Attending: Scientists from Icelandic Met Office and the Institute of Earth Sciences University of Iceland along with representatives from the Icelandic Civil Protection and the Directorate of Health. From the Scientific /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3001/
  • 73. 2010_003rs

    ) ................................................................ 46 3.3.3 The Hengill area and the South Iceland seismic zone (boxes G-M) ............ 48 3.3.4 Active faults in 2000 .................................................................................... 56 3.4 Depth distribution, stress drop and thickness of the brittle crust .......................... 58 4 Discussion /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2010/2010_003rs.pdf
  • 74. D2.3_CES_Prob_fcsts_GCMs_and_RCMs

  • 75. raisanen_ruosteenoja_CES_D2.2

  • 76. VI_2016_006_rs

    horizontal displacement of the most active part of Þófi since the start of the measurements is mostly in the range 10–35 cm (maximum 69 cm), whereas the movement in Neðri-Botnar is slower, with the more active points having total displacement mostly in the range 5–10 cm (maximum 46 cm). The maximum measured velocity of the horizontal movement in the Þófi area was 92 cm/a over a two-month period in late /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2016/VI_2016_006_rs.pdf
  • 77. VI_2015_007

    & Galeati, G. (2001). Estimating the index flood using indirect methods. Hydrol. Sci. J., 46(3), 399–418. Burn, D.H. (1990). Evaluation of regional flood frequency analysis with a region of influence approach. Water Resour. Res., 26(10), 2257–2265. Crochet, P. (2012a). Estimating the flood frequency distribution for ungauged catchments using an index flood procedure. Application to ten catchments /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_007.pdf
  • 78. 2010_005_

    the land are identical. As discussed previously, the DMI-HIRHAM5 results are suspect with regard to spatial variability of SAT trends. However, from the other two RCM simulations, relative enhancement of warming between the surrounding sea area and the Icelandic highlands can be determined. It is found that, according to the SMHI-RCAO, this enhancement is 24%, and 46% for the MetNo-HIRHAM /media/ces/2010_005_.pdf
  • 79. VI_2015_005

    with l l2, containing the region with frequent cyclone activity to the northeast of Iceland. Then, of the total study area, 22% fall into the western sector (itself broken up into 70% ocean and 30% land), 32% in the central sector (77% ocean, 23% land), and 46% in the eastern sector (44% ocean, 56% land). The average seasonal cyclone occurrences over the ocean and land areas in different sectors /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/VI_2015_005.pdf
  • 80. Daniell_etal-2010

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