
85 results were found for r 순천핸플㈎(}♜순천키스방✌순천건마✼순천오피타임✎순천오피✣순천오피.


  • 71. Protective measures

    obstacles that is described in an appendix to the internal report listed above (IMO Int. Rep. 08003, the software is in the form of a library for the public doman software package R which may be downloaded from the internet) [Linux version (.tar.gz)] [Windows version (.zip)] [Documentation (.pdf)] A map on a selected front page shows recent observations of avalanches. For user access /avalanches/imo/protective/
  • 72. General about the project

    ). Icelandic perspectives on adaption to climate change Í: Climate sense : [WCC-3], consulting editor Ghassem R. Asrar. Tudor Rose, Leicester, s. 238-239. Snorrason Á., Björnsson H., Harðardóttir J. (2010). The Climate and Energy Systems (CES) project: a summary of main results. XXVI Nordic hydrological conference, Riga, Latvia August 9-11 2010. Nordic hydrological programme report No. 51. Snorrason, Á /ces/publications/nr/1936
  • 73. Bio Energy

    on Renewable Energy Sources: Their role in the Nordic energy system, Nord 2007:003, 140-153. Keränen, J., Kilpeläinen, A., Gode, J., Molarius, R., Schabel, J. and James-Smith, E. (2010). Case study - Using the CES risk assessment framework in the biomass and wind power sectors. Conference on Future Climate and Renewable Energy: Impacts, Risks and Adaptation, 31.5.-2.6.2010, Oslo, Norway /ces/publications/nr/1939
  • 74. Gode_Jenny_CES_2010

    the results from the CES project? – Relevance – Communication – Improvements Stakeholder Relevance of the CES Project Jenny Gode, 31 May 2010 Dialogue meetings square4 3 meetings with stakeholder = "the dialogue group" – Different positions: from R&D, heat production, back up responsibility and up to strategic level square4 Discussions with other stakeholder within Risk Assessment task – Different /media/ces/Gode_Jenny_CES_2010.pdf
  • 75. ces_geus_paakitsoq_full_report

    size of RCM runs. Currently there exist only two scenario runs covering Greenland available but there will soon be new runs available, for instance from the EU FP7 project "ice2sea". References Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., M. Stendel, J. H. Christensen, J. Cappelen, F. Vejen, H. A. Kjær, R. Mot- tram, and P. Lucas-Picher (2009), Assessment of the temperature, precipitation and snow in the RCM HIRHAM4 /media/ces/ces_geus_paakitsoq_full_report.pdf
  • 76. Kok_1-scenarios-lecture-1

    : to use or not to use? *O'Neill, R. V., and A. W. King. 1998, Homage to St. Michael; or, why are there so many books on scale?: Pages 3–15 in D. L. Peterson and V. T. Parker (editors). Ecological scale: theory and applications. Columbia University Press, New York. • Robert O’Neill questions the unifying capabilities* • Aspects of the land use system have different scale properties • To use /media/loftslag/Kok_1-scenarios-lecture-1.pdf
  • 77. Kok_and_Veldkamp_editorial_ES-2011-4160

    of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Baker, M., S. Hincks, and G. Sherriff. 2010. Getting involved in plan making: participation and stakeholder involvement in local and regional spatial strategies in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28 (4):574-594. Biggs, R., C. Raudsepp-Hearne, C. Atkinson- Palombo, E. Bohensky, E. Boyd, G. Cundill, H. Fox, S. Ingram, K. Kok, S. Spehar, M /media/loftslag/Kok_and_Veldkamp_editorial_ES-2011-4160.pdf
  • 78. VI_2009_006_tt

    to theoretical framework. I do also want to thank him for an enjoyable time during this work, both in the office and in the field. This work was carried out as a part of the Skaftá cauldrons research project which was funded and supported by the Icelandic Centre For Research (RANNÍS), Kvískerja- sjóður, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, Landsvirkjun (the National Power Com- pany), the National Energy /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_006_tt.pdf
  • 79. Adalgeirsdottir-etal-tc-5-961-2011

    ). Locations of the weather sta- tions, used to reconstruct the temperature and precipitation records, are shown with letters: Reykjavík (R), Fagurhólmýri (F), Hæll (H), Stykkishólmur (S), Teigarhorn (T), Vestamannaeyjar (V), Akureyri (A) and Hólar in Hornafjörður (HH). (B) The surface topography of Vatnajökull ice cap. Dots show the sites of mass balance and veloc- ity measurements, blue dots show /media/ces/Adalgeirsdottir-etal-tc-5-961-2011.pdf
  • 80. Moellenkampetal_etal-2010

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