asked questions
about perceived fairness, effectiveness, expected reduction
e (1
is a
e m
n orde
, raised tax on fuel (TAX), and improved public transport (PUB)).
X/PUB to be a fair measure?’
t driving distance, do you think other car drivers in your municipality
e is implemented?’
t driving distance, do you think you would reduce car use if the measure is
X/PUB to affect your
/lexuriserv/, 13
April 2009.
[2] WTO, World Tourism Organization (2008): “Climate Change and Tourism -
Responding to Global Challenges”, UNWTO, 9 July 2008, Madrid, Spain.
Available at:, 7
March 2010.
[3] Mooney, J.E. y Miller, M.L. (2009): “Climate change: Creating demand for
the com-
plexity of the hydrological processes through modelling, but its application is usually limited to
the short-range. Although the results demonstrated a great potential for this method, its success-
ful application in real-time will strongly depend on the quality and availability of streamflow
observations, which can be poor or simply missing during periods of variable durations, e.g
Útreikningarnir eru í
2,5 x 2,5 km neti á 1 klukkustundar fresti fyrir tímabilið september 1979 til desember 2016.
Einnig eru notaðar sjálfvirkar úrkomumælingar frá 49 stöðvum sem allar hafa mælt samfellt í
yfir 10 ár. Í báðum tilvikum er um daggildi að ræða, þ.e. uppsafnaða úrkomu frá miðnætti til
miðnættis. Í næmniathugunum eru mælingar frá 12 stöðvum, svokölluðum kjarnastöðvum,
plumes are seen somewhat lower and mark the front of the lava stream. The size of the eruptive crater is 280 x 190 m. Lava splashes are thrown at least a few hundred meters into the air.
Overall assessment is that it is more explosive activity and ash production than was observed yesterday. Progression of the lava seems to be slower than yesterday.
Presently there are no indications
Holuhraun lava field
Excerpt from a satellite image 7 October 2014 for the IsViews project at LMU which Fjarkönnun is part of. This Quicklook radar image from TerraSAR-X, irrespective of weather and visibility, shows the outlines of the new lava in exceptionally high detail (see full image) as they were two days ago. Referral: (c) DLR/ Fjarkönnun ehf./IsViews 10/2014.
9 October