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  • 1. EUROVOLC is bringing

    ), Greece (volcanic islands) and France (overseas territories), as well as additional partners responsible for providing advice to authorities on volcanic risk and hazard. This consortium of VOs comprises all volcano observatories in Europe (see Figure below).Detailed information on the EUROVOLC project and its latest developments, including Calls for applications for Trans-national and Virtual /about-imo/news/eurovolc
  • 2. Pollution

    closer to Reykjavík, eight years before that. As elsewhere in Europe sulphur concentration is lower now than when measurements began. Average value of sulphur is about 0.5 mg/l in precipitation, about 0.1 μg/m3 in aerosol and about 0.07 μg/m3 in air. Stórhöfði - a seashore background station Stórhöfði is at the south end of island Heimaey which is the largest of the Westman islands /pollution-and-radiation/pollution/
  • 3. Bárðarbunga earthquakes - interactive model

    the uncertainty is great. For simplicity, the earthquakes are positioned with sea level as a referral plane. Coloured patches on the surface represent the 20 most recent earthquakes. As the coloured patches move on they leave a gray color, which consequently shows where the activity has been. Doing is learning and our users are encouraged to test out the interactive possibilities: zoom in and out /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/2971
  • 4. Bárðarbunga earthquakes - interactive model

    the uncertainty is great. For simplicity, the earthquakes are positioned with sea level as a referral plane. Coloured patches on the surface represent the 20 most recent earthquakes. As the coloured patches move on they leave a gray color, which consequently shows where the activity has been. Doing is learning and our users are encouraged to test out the interactive possibilities: zoom in and out /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/2971/
  • 5. IPPC-2007-ar4_syr

    Arctic sea ice extent has shrunk by 2.7 [2.1 to 3.3]% per decade, with larger decreases in summer of 7.4 [5.0 to 9.8]% per decade. Mountain glaciers and snow cover on average have declined in both hemispheres. The maximum areal extent of sea- sonally frozen ground has decreased by about 7% in the Northern Hemisphere since 1900, with decreases in spring of up to 15%. Temperatures at the top /media/loftslag/IPPC-2007-ar4_syr.pdf
  • 6. VI_2020_005

    the uncertainty of the changes in magnitude and frequency of the floods and the impact they will have. The rising sea levels have already started to cause problems in certain areas, extreme sea level return frequency has already increased significantly at multiple places (Church, Clark, et al., 2013). There are concerns that low lying countries and small islands will loose land area both due to inundation /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_005.pdf
  • 7. norsem_atakan_norway

    from the geological and geophysical data repositories, which is in line with European EPOS, (ii) Improving the monitoring capacity in the Arctic, including Northern Norway and the Arctic islands and (iii) Establishing a national Solid Earth Science Forum providing a constant feedback mechanism for improved integration of multidisciplinary data, as well as training of young scientists for future /media/norsem/norsem_atakan_norway.pdf
  • 8. Christmas weather during the last 60 years

    News Winterview from Stórhöfði in Vestman islands /about-imo/news/nr/1424
  • 9. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

    of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands; UI) in the context of Work Package 2 of the project “Im- proved Forecast of Wind, Waves and Icing” (IceWind), funded primarily by the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (Toppforskningsinitiativet; TFI), including national and private organisations. This report is the fifth in a series of IMO reports produced for IceWind, the others being Nawri et al. (2012d,a,b,c /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/2013_001_Nawri_et_al.pdf
  • 10. EUROVOLC – a networking project kick-off meeting

    community able to fully support, exploit and build-upon existing and emerging national and pan-European research infrastructures. The project is coordinated by the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) and managed in collaboration with INGV in Catania, Sicily.With over 60 active volcanic systems in Europe (e.g. Vesuvius and Etna in Italy, Bárdarbunga in Iceland, Santorini in Greece etc /about-imo/news/eurovolc-a-networking-project-kick-off-meeting

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