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  • 1. Veðurstöðvar

    Akureyri (sk) O F M I Akureyri - Krossanesbraut (sj) I Arnarnesvegur (sj) O F M I Austurárdalsháls (sj) O I Árnes (sj) O F M I Ásbyrgi (sj) O F M I Ásgarður (sj) F M I Ásgarður (sk) O I Bakkagerði (sj) O I Básar á Goðalandi (sj) O I Biskupsháls (sj) O I Bíldudalur (sj) O F M I Bjargtangar (sj) O F M I Bjarnarey (sj) O F M I Bjarnarfjarðarháls (sj) I Björg í Kinn (sj) O I Bláfeldur (sj) O F M I /weather/stations/
  • 2. IMO_AnnualReport2014

    of events closely. Photo: Sigurlaug Gunnlaugsdóttir. Bárðarbunga Pálmi Erlendsson, Bergur H. Bergsson and others installing GPS and com- munication equipment. Photos: Þorgils Ingvarsson and Benedikt G. Ófeigsson. I C E L A N D I C M E T O F F I C E / A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4 5 The magma intrusion from Bárðarbunga to the eruption site at Holuhraun and related tremor pulses /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/IMO_AnnualReport2014.pdf
  • 3. Linnet_Ulfar_CES_2010

    2015, 2025, 2035 and 2050 North (Blanda) East (Karahnjukar) South (Thorisvatn) Change in average inflow to the main storage reservoirs Watershed A v e r a g e i n f l o w [ m 3 / s ] 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 Last 50 years Last 20 years Last 15 years Last 10 years Last 5 years Temperature corrected Transformation of climate measurements •Change in temperature • 0.75 °C/100y 1950-1975 • 1.55 /media/ces/Linnet_Ulfar_CES_2010.pdf
  • 4. Laboratory experiments

    of snow avalanches agains dams and retarding obstacles: A laboratory study of the interaction between supercritical, shallow flows and dams (IMO Int. Rep. 03038, 2003, authors K. M. Hákonardóttir, A. Hogg and T. Jóhannesson) (pdf 1.3 Mb) Avalanche braking mound experiments with snow. Switzerland − March 2002 (IMO Int. Rep. 03023, 2003, authors K. M. Hákonardóttir, T. Jóhannesson, F /avalanches/imo/lab/
  • 5. Isskyrsla_20100119_3

    Ísskýrsla TF-SIF 19. janúar 2010 Flug nr. 00310.025 Áhöfn: Flugstjóri Hafsteinn Heiðarsson Flugmaður Benóný Ásgrímsson Flugmaður 2 / Þjálfunarfl. Yfirstýrimaður Auðunn F. Kristinsson Stýrimaður Hreggviður Símonarson Stýrimaður Vilhjálmur Óli Valsson Stýrimaður Aðrir Flugleið: Þriðjudaginn 19.janúar 2010 fór flugvél Landhelgisgæslunnar í eftirlits – og ískönnunarflug fyrir /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/Isskyrsla_20100119_3.pdf
  • 6. Adalgeirsdottir-etal-tc-5-961-2011

    The Cryosphere, 5, 961–975, 2011 doi:10.5194/tc-5-961-2011 © Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License. The Cryosphere Modelling the 20th and 21st century evolution of Hoffellsjökull glacier, SE-Vatnajökull, Iceland G. Aðalgeirsdóttir1,2, S. Guðmundsson1, H. Björnsson1, F. Pálsson1, T. Jóhannesson3, H. Hannesdóttir1, S. Þ. Sigurðsson4, and E. Berthier5 /media/ces/Adalgeirsdottir-etal-tc-5-961-2011.pdf
  • 7. Paper-Olafur-Rognvaldsson_92

    a systematic com- parison of results to observed precipitation has been carried out. Un- dercatchment of solid precipitation is dealt with by looking only at days when precipitation is presumably liquid or by considering the occurrence and non-occurrence of precipitation. Away from non- resolved orography, the long term means (months, years) of observed and simulated precipitation are often /media/ces/Paper-Olafur-Rognvaldsson_92.pdf
  • 8. Lorenzoni_Pidgeon_2006

    PUBLIC VIEWS ON CLIMATE CHANGE: EUROPEAN AND USA PERSPECTIVES IRENE LORENZONI and NICK F. PIDGEON∗ Centre for Environmental Risk and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Zuckerman Institute for Connective Environmental Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK E-mail: Abstract. If uncontrolled, human influences /media/loftslag/Lorenzoni_Pidgeon_2006.pdf
  • 9. Group5-Stakeholders_involvement

    - m a k e r P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e I n s u re r s Pri v a t e S t ron g M ar k e t S c ie n t i f i c e x per t s ( g eo s c ie n c e s , e c o n o m i c s , s o c iolog y , p s y c hol o g y ) Publi c / pri v a t e - - I nd u s t ri e s Pri v a t e S t ron g M ar k e t W a t e r s upplie r P u b l i c S t ron g M ar k e t F ar m er s /media/loftslag/Group5-Stakeholders_involvement.pdf
  • 10. Public-Choice-2012---McGuiness-and-Walker---Foundations-of-the-Ostrom-workshop---institutional-analysis,-polycentricity,-and-self-governance-of-the-commons

    296 Public Choice (2010) 143: 293–301 2 The commons The literature on the commons, or what is more technically defined as common-pool re- sources (CPRs), should be viewed initially from its place in the larger literature on dilem- mas of collective action. Since the foundational work of H. Scott Gordon (1954) on the com- mons, and Mancur Olson (1965) on collective action more broadly, the behavioral /media/loftslag/Public-Choice-2012---McGuiness-and-Walker---Foundations-of-the-Ostrom-workshop---institutional-analysis,-polycentricity,-and-self-governance-of-the-commons.pdf

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