
94 results were found for suchmaschinen service gmbh 🔍


  • 1. Daniell_etal-2010

    and uncertainties of effective implementation 1University of Osnabrueck, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, 2International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development (ICIS) - Maastricht University, 3Seecon Deutschland GmbH Ecology and Society 15(4): 41 of participatory water management prevail in practice. At present, many /media/loftslag/Daniell_etal-2010.pdf
  • 2. Staff members

    observer Service and Research Division Andréa-Giorgio Raphael Massad Hydrometeorological Data Specialist Service /about-imo/employees/
  • 3. Participants

    ), Norway Finnur Pálsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Gro Birkefeldt Møller Pedersen, Nordic Volcanological Center, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Peter Rieger, RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH, Austria Robert Ricker, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany Ciaran Robb, Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI /lidar/lidar-2013/participants/
  • 4. Lidar 2013

    Office Eyjólfur Magnússson – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Beata Csatho – University of Buffalo, New York Michael Studinger – NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center Lidar map of the ice-covered stratovolcano Öræfajökull in S-Vatnajökull, S-Iceland, surveyed by TopScan GmbH in August 2011. A high resolution version of this image is also available /lidar/lidar-2013
  • 5. Lidar 2013

    Office Eyjólfur Magnússson – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Beata Csatho – University of Buffalo, New York Michael Studinger – NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center Lidar map of the ice-covered stratovolcano Öræfajökull in S-Vatnajökull, S-Iceland, surveyed by TopScan GmbH in August 2011. A high resolution version of this image is also available /lidar/lidar-2013/
  • 6. PhD_course-Programme_26Aug2011-final

    Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, 15-26. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2006.05.003 Hare M P, Krywkow J (2005) Participatory processes for the design of water storage areas. Technical report, Seecon Deutschland GmbH, Osnabrück. Seecon TR no. 01/2005 for the EU Interreg IIIB TRUST project. Short version available in electronic format. Kok K (2009) The potential of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for semi /media/vedurstofan/PhD_course-Programme_26Aug2011-final.pdf
  • 7. Staff members

    Staff members Matthew James Roberts Job title: Managing Director: Service and Research division /about-imo/employees/persona/59/fyrirtaeki/2
  • 8. Staff members

    Staff members Matthew James Roberts Job title: Managing Director: Service and Research division /about-imo/employees/persona/59
  • 9. Perrels-CBA

    e.g. • Environmental effects • Pure public goods (e.g. a dyke; the police force) Infer a shadow price – this can be based on: • Unit-cost (e.g. based on public sector accounting) • Replacement cost (of damaged nature) • Willingness to pay (WTP; to compensate loss or prevent a project) • Survey based or proxy/analogy based • Eco-system service(s) infer a unit value via: • differential impact /media/loftslag/Perrels-CBA.pdf
  • 10. Spoken forecast via pre-recorded message

    is available in English via a telephone service operated by the Icelandic Meteorological Office. This automated service uses a pre-recorded message, which is up-dated daily. The tariff for this service is the same throughout the country, and calls are priced according to the rates of Síminn - Iceland's national telecommunication company. Overseas callers should note that the international dialling code /about-imo/service/spoken-forecast

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