
4 results were found for 蜜瓜大厅充值/房卡(微8834746)带你了解.lhg.


  • 1. hafisskyrsla_18ag2011

    skipið er að koma frá Scoresbysundi, Grælandi og er á leið til Vestmannaeyja, áætlar að vera þar þann 20. ágúst 2011 kl 0700 á staðartíma. Um borð eru 157 manns þar af er áhöfn 41 manns. Skipið sendi tilkynningu til LHG kl 1100 á staðaratíma í dag. Kl.1322 kallar TFB vegna Steina í Höfða sknr. 2434, TFB er með stað síðan kl. 0530, 67°05N – 018°35V. Samkvæmt göngum TF-SIF þá sást hann á /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/hafisskyrsla_18ag2011.pdf
  • 2. Bárðarbunga 2015 - January events

    : About 10 earthquakes up to M 1.3 were detected in the last 24 hours. 26 January 2015 - a flight report Notes (IES) from a surveillance flight 21st January 2015 include many photographs and explanations, made by the Institute of Earth Sciences. The flight is operated by the Icelandic Coast Guard (LHG). 26 January 2015 09:45 - from geoscientist on duty Good visibility to the eruptive site /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3071
  • 3. Bárðarbunga 2015 - January events

    : About 10 earthquakes up to M 1.3 were detected in the last 24 hours. 26 January 2015 - a flight report Notes (IES) from a surveillance flight 21st January 2015 include many photographs and explanations, made by the Institute of Earth Sciences. The flight is operated by the Icelandic Coast Guard (LHG). 26 January 2015 09:45 - from geoscientist on duty Good visibility to the eruptive site /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3071/
  • 4. Bardarbunga-2015_January-events

    Guard (LHG). 26 January 2015 09:45 - from geoscientist on duty Good visibility to the eruptive site this morning. No significant changes since yesterday morning; the largest earthquake, M4.6, occurred last evening. Bárðarbunga caldera: About 30 earthquakes have been detected, the largest were M4.6 and M4.3 and four more were over M3. The intrusive dyke: About ten earthquakes up to M1.5 were /media/jar/Bardarbunga-2015_January-events.pdf

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