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  • 11. Sea ice in October 2010

    Search Search string Contact IMO © Veðurstofa Íslands | Bústaðavegi 7- 9 | 105 Reykjavík | Phone 522 6000 | Fax: 522 6001 Recording 902 0600 | SSN 630908-0350 Contact us | Employees | Terms and conditions | Sitemap Other /sea-ice/monthly/2010/nr/2345
  • 12. FAQ

    airframes, especially aero-engines. This might imply loss of operability, reduction of engine performance and reduced component lifetime. The entity of the damage is function of several factors, including the exposure time to the ash, ash chemical properties and flight condition (climb, cruise and descent). Possible problems on the aircraft could be: Malfunction or failure in one or more /volcanoes/grimsvotn-activity/faq/
  • 13. Sea ice in March 2007

    was well within the median and closest to shore, about 50n.m. NW off Straumsnes and 60n.m. W off Barði. The ice-edge density was extensively 4/10 or less than 7-9/10 north off 67°20'N. A considerable diagenis was discovered in the southernmost part of the exploratory territory. No other dispatches were made during the month. Easterly and later northeasterly winds were common in the Greenland /sea-ice/monthly/2007/nr/2300
  • 14. Sea ice in July 2007

    in the month. One dispatch was received, regarding ice scattering and iceberg quite off shore, or 67°05N and 30°18W and south to 66°33N and 30°09W. Slow northeasterly or variable winds were predominant in the Greenland strait in the month and the ice appeared, according to satellite information, to reduce as the month progressed /sea-ice/monthly/2007/nr/2304
  • 15. Sea ice in November 2010

    Search Search string Contact IMO © Veðurstofa Íslands | Bústaðavegi 7- 9 | 105 Reykjavík | Phone 522 6000 | Fax: 522 6001 Recording 902 0600 | SSN 630908-0350 Contact us | Employees /sea-ice/monthly/2010/nr/2346
  • 16. Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS

    management process and the role of uncertainty at different stages in the modelling processes. Brief reviews have been made of 14 different (partly complementary) methods commonly used in uncertainty assessment and characterisation: data uncertainty engine (DUE), error propaga- tion equations, expert elicitation, extended peer review, inverse modelling (parameter estimation), inverse modelling (predictive /media/loftslag/Refsgaard_etal-2007-Uncertainty-EMS.pdf
  • 17. Sea ice in October 2008

    but somewhat of icebergs and one dispatch regarding a possible iceberg was received on October 9th at 67°24N and 25°41W. On the 21st sea ice was clearly noticable on satellitepictures, which by then had moved into the Greenland Strait and bordered the Blosseville coast of Greenland. Sea ice was considerably more than average for October. Harsh northerly winds were on the Greenland Strait until /sea-ice/monthly/2008/nr/2319
  • 18. VI_2020_005

  • 19. VI_2020_011_en

    Grain size distribution from heimaey 1973 eruption ..................................................... …64 D. Age of vents relative to best fit line ............................................................................... …65 E. Weight-bearing capacity of homes in heimaey .............................................................. …67 F. How to contextualize the probabilities given /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_011_en.pdf
  • 20. isskyrsla_14122010

    Hafísskýrsla TF-SIF 14. desember 2010 Flug nr. 17610.025 Óformleg ískönnun 14. desember 2010 Óformleg ískönnun var gerð og kom eftirfarandi í ljós. Ísröndin samkvæmt ratsjá TF-SIF 1) 68 03.0N 17 19.0W 2) 67 41.0N 18 19.0W 3) 67 36.0N 19 09.0W 4) 67 21.0N 19 43.0W 5) 66 53.0N 20 21.0W 6) 66 45.0N 19 58.0W 7) 66 38.0N 20 42.0W 8) 67 02.0N 21 /media/hafis/skyrslur_lhg/isskyrsla_14122010.pdf

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