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  • 11. Glossary

    We are hoping to find time to improve this glossary. Only a few items are available. For your relevant search, please click on one of the letters below: A Á B C D E É F G H I Í J K L M N O Ó P Q R S T U Ú V W X Y Ý Z Þ Æ Ö A A: Icelandic abbreviation of East (compass direction, easterly, eastern). ANA: Icelandic abbreviation of Eastnorthesast (compass direction). ASA: Icelandic /weather/articles/nr/1208/
  • 12. Kok_and_Veldkamp_editorial_ES-2011-4160

    Scales as mentioned in Cash et al. (2006) space time juris. inst. man. netw. know. other Van Apeldoorn et al. 2011 X X X Mandemaker et al. 2011 X X X X Van der Veen and Tagel 2011 X X X De Blaeij et al. 2011 X X X X (spatial) beneficiaries, ecosystem services Turnhout and Boonman-Berson 2011 X X Van Lieshout et al. 2011 X X agricultural juris. = jurisdictional inst. = institutional man /media/loftslag/Kok_and_Veldkamp_editorial_ES-2011-4160.pdf
  • 13. 2013_001_Nawri_et_al

    the validity of the ideal gas law, hydrostatic balance, a piecewise linear vertical gradient of air temperature, and neglecting the effects of water vapour. Pressure, p, as a function of height can then be derived through vertical integration of the hydrostatic balance equation, and is given by p(h(x;y);z) = p0 exp g R Z h(x;y)+z 0 dx T (x ) ; (5) where p0 is pressure at mean sea level, T /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/2013_001_Nawri_et_al.pdf
  • 14. norsem_michalek

    was deployed and together with the permanent NNSN stations in that area it contained 33+ stations within span 350 x 200 km. About 1250 earthquakes of M>0.0 was recorded during the project period and new map of seismicity of that area was retrieved. The main aim of the project is to reveal the stress field in that particular region and therefore determination of stable /media/norsem/norsem_michalek.pdf
  • 15. Refsgaard_2-uncertainty

    a probability of an adverse event occurring and a measure of the associated event. Larger consequence and larger probability lead to a larger overall risk (e.g. Risk = Probability x Damage) Conclusions – Part 1 Terminology • Be aware of ambiguities in terminology used by others – and be specific defining the terminology you use Concepts • Uncertainty assessment should influence the entire /media/loftslag/Refsgaard_2-uncertainty.pdf
  • 16. Tornado_Impacts_-_FMI_Presentation

    -scale Category P e r c e n t a g e o f C a t e g o r y F a t a l i t i e s Permanent Homes Casualties and Timing Casualties and Time of Day 150 200 250 I n d e x V a l u e Fatalities 0 50 100 Overnight Morning Early Afternoon Late Afternoon Late Evening I n d e x V a l u e Injuries Nocturnal Tornadoes 7 8 9 10 R a t i o N i g h t t o O t h e r T i m e s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F /media/loftslag/Tornado_Impacts_-_FMI_Presentation.pdf
  • 17. Lettenmaier_Dennis_CES_2010pdf

    model regional projections. • Development of multiple 50-km regional climate scenarios for use in impacts assessments. • Evaluation of regional model performance over North America. 50-km Grid GFDL CGCM3 HADCM3 CCSM MM5 X X1 RegCM X1** X CRCM X1** X HADRM X X1 RSM X1 X WRF X X1 Red = run completed Drawbacks of dynamical downscaling • Requires postprocessing for bias /media/ces/Lettenmaier_Dennis_CES_2010pdf.pdf
  • 18. IMO_AnnualReport2014

    ANNUAL REPOR T 2014 2 I C E L A N D I C M E T O F F I C E / A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4 ?Veðurstofa Íslands 2015 Bústaðavegur 7–9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland The annual report was drafted by the IMO sta?. Editor: Sigurlaug Gunnlaugsdóttir Design and layout: Hvíta húsið Printing: Oddi ISSN 2251-5607 Cover photo: Gro Birkefeldt Møller Pedersen I N D E X 4 Bárðarbunga 7 Rockslide /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2015/IMO_AnnualReport2014.pdf
  • 19. VI_2009_006_tt

    to theoretical framework. I do also want to thank him for an enjoyable time during this work, both in the office and in the field. This work was carried out as a part of the Skaftá cauldrons research project which was funded and supported by the Icelandic Centre For Research (RANNÍS), Kvískerja- sjóður, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, Landsvirkjun (the National Power Com- pany), the National Energy /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2009/VI_2009_006_tt.pdf
  • 20. VI_2020_004

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