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  • 31. Ash measurements

    the quality of the data. Therefore, a mobile X-band weather radar was purchased, but while this custom made radar was being assembled and tested, another was obtained on loan from the Italian Civil Protection Agency. The mobile radar is now situated near the town of Kirkjubæjarklaustur, 80 km from the eruption site in Grímsvötn. IMO staff members monitor the progress of the eruption using /about-imo/news/nr/2183/
  • 32. Eyjaf_status_2010-05-04_IES_IMO

    of the lava stream. Radar images from ICG-flight today show tunnels in Gígjökull increasing in size and continuing the build up of the cone at the crater. The size of the eruptive crater is 280 x 190 m. Lava splashes are thrown at least a few hundred meters into the air. Seismic tremor: Tremor levels decreased last night (3 May) and have decreased even further this morning at around 11:00 GMT /media/jar/Eyjaf_status_2010-05-04_IES_IMO.pdf
  • 33. Gode_Jenny_CES_2010

    Projects involving sh Concise info Executive summaries Downloadable "Stakeholder friendly" info Stakeholder Relevance of the CES Project Jenny Gode, 31 May 2010 Research programme "Translators" F act sheets W eb page Stee ring co m m ittee Visits W o rkshops R efe re nce g ro up s E x . su m m a rie s M eetings Stakeholders Energy companies Energy authorities Decision makers Other stakeholders /media/ces/Gode_Jenny_CES_2010.pdf
  • 34. Keranen_Jaana_CES_2010

    ilmiö W inter Sprin g SummerA utumn Kosteus Lauha t talve t Talvitulvat Jäätävä sade Hyyde Kova tuu li … Aikaisempi kevät ja tu lvat Ku ivuus Ku ivuvat vesiva rastot … Ku ivuus Rankkasa teet sa lamointi Rakeet … Myrskyt Rankkasateet Rou ta Jääkannen muodostaminen … yli y €yli y €Merkittävät3 x - y €x – y €Keskinkertaiset2 alle x €alle x €Vähäiset1 Mahdollisuuden tunnisteväriRiskin /media/ces/Keranen_Jaana_CES_2010.pdf
  • 35. Kok_1-scenarios-lecture-1

    .. But with caution Spatial scale Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) Ecological fallacy: The mistake of assuming that where relationships are found among aggregate data, these relationships will also be found among individuals or households, or vice versa. Key concepts (from ecology) Forest cover Population density y = -20.1Ln(x) + 60 R2 = 0.84 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 Population density F o re /media/loftslag/Kok_1-scenarios-lecture-1.pdf
  • 36. VI_2013_008

    of the analogue method is introduced. In Section 3 hydrological and me- teorological data used in the analysis are presented. Section 4 describes the different strategies considered for implementing the method and Section 5 presents some results. Some concluding remarks are made in Section 6. 2 The analogue method Let X(t) be a state of a dynamical system at time t, known through the observation of k variables /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skyrslur/2013/VI_2013_008.pdf
  • 37. raisanen_ruosteenoja_CES_D2.2

    as the forecast period. On the other hand, the probability distributions derived using the resampling ensemble method are in most cases wider than those produced with the normal distribution method, particularly so for precipitation change. This difference stems from the different treatment of natural variability: x In the normal distribution method, all simulations available for the same emission /media/ces/raisanen_ruosteenoja_CES_D2.2.pdf
  • 38. Alam_Ashraful_CES_2010

    (ECT) Working paths and machinery transportation + C Rotation period Plant production and transportation Site preparation a r b o n Planting E n e r d i o Thinnings/ harvesting operations h di g y i x i d e Emission parametersEcosystem model S ort stance transportation Long distance n p u t E m i s Emission calculation tool transportation Chipping s i o n CO2 balance 14 Energy wood /media/ces/Alam_Ashraful_CES_2010.pdf
  • 39. Gradual fading of seismic activity at Bárðarbunga and the dyke intrusion

    with the general observation of a slowly fading activity in almost all other data sets. Inter-event waiting time For the Bárðarbunga caldera, inter-event waiting time for earthquakes equal to or larger than M5 has been plotted* during the four months period from the onset of events until 15 Dec 2014. On the y-axis, waiting time is given in hours. The x-axis shows the relevant earthquakes /earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/3039
  • 40. Group5-Stakeholders_involvement

    - m a k e r P u b l i c S t ron g Go v ernanc e I n s u re r s Pri v a t e S t ron g M ar k e t S c ie n t i f i c e x per t s ( g eo s c ie n c e s , e c o n o m i c s , s o c iolog y , p s y c hol o g y ) Publi c / pri v a t e - - I nd u s t ri e s Pri v a t e S t ron g M ar k e t W a t e r s upplie r P u b l i c S t ron g M ar k e t F ar m er s /media/loftslag/Group5-Stakeholders_involvement.pdf

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