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  • 51. The weather in Iceland 2006

    A general overview The year was generally favourable and warm. In the South and West the temperature was about 1.1°C above the 1961-1990 normal and 1.3 to 1.8°C above normal in the North and East. The average temperature in Reykjavík was 5.4°C. It ranks as the eleventh warmest year in Reykjavík since the inception /about-imo/news/nr/1206/
  • 52. The weather in Iceland 2010

    was unusually light. The barometric pressure reached the highest annual value on record. The climate was very favourable and windstorms markedly fewer than usual. Temperature Thermometer screen at IMO's grounds in Reykjavík. Photo by Jón Gunnar Egilsson, 15 September 2010. Temperature The average temperature in Reykjavík was 5.9°C, 1.6°C above the 1961 to 1990 mean, and has only once /about-imo/news/2011/nr/2112
  • 53. The weather in Iceland 2010

    was unusually light. The barometric pressure reached the highest annual value on record. The climate was very favourable and windstorms markedly fewer than usual. Temperature Thermometer screen at IMO's grounds in Reykjavík. Photo by Jón Gunnar Egilsson, 15 September 2010. Temperature The average temperature in Reykjavík was 5.9°C, 1.6°C above the 1961 to 1990 mean, and has only once /about-imo/news/nr/2112
  • 54. ved-eng-2010

    The average temperature in Reykjavík was 5.9°C, 1.6°C above the 1961 to 1990 mean, and has only once been higher, 6.0°C in 2003. It has twice before been equally high as now, in 1939 and 1941. The temperature has now been above average (1961-1990) for 15 years in a row. Nine months registered above average temperatures, three were below. January had the largest positive anomaly, almost 3°C /media/vedurstofan/utgafa/skylduskil/ved-eng-2010.pdf
  • 55. CES_D2.4_VMGO

    temperature range can be explained by faster increase of low and extremely low temperatures during cold season as compared against relatively slow increase of extremely high temperatures in summer. The simulated warming in the annual minima temperatures is projected to be twice larger as compared against warming in the annual maxima (Fig.1b-c). Fig.2a displays changes of heat wave duration /media/ces/CES_D2.4_VMGO.pdf
  • 56. The weather in Iceland in 2019

    violent in the northern part of the country. There were major damages of power lines leaving number of homes without electricity, 100 horses died because they were immersed in the snow and all major transportation was interrupted.Temperature The annual average in Reykjavík was 5.8°C, 1.4°C above the 1961 to 1990 mean, but 0.3°C above the mean of the last ten years (2009-2018 /about-imo/news/the-weather-in-iceland-in-2019
  • 57. VI_2020_004

    einni sviðsmynd og líkur á að ákveðnum þröskuldum sé náð eru reiknaðar. Þröskuldirnir eru a) 1 mm gjóskuþykkt á flugvöllum, en sýnt hefur verið fram á að við meiri gjóskuþykkt fer að draga úr öryggi við lending flugvéla, b) 3 mm gjóskuþykkt á vegum en þá fara akstursskilyrði að dvína og c) 10 cm þykk gjóska er viðmið fyrir áhrif á tengivirki og flutningsgetu rafmagnslína. Niðurstöður sýna að /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_004.pdf
  • 58. Henriksen_Barlebo-2008-AWM_BBN-Journ_Env_Management

    improving management policies and practices by learning from the outcomes of implemented management strategies. Partici- patory integrated assessment is here a form of problem structuring for identification of gaps, ambiguity and multiple frames, confrontation, and integration of the most divergent views with respect to a given problem situation. Additional methods and tools that AM require com /media/loftslag/Henriksen_Barlebo-2008-AWM_BBN-Journ_Env_Management.pdf
  • 59. A new absolute minimum temperature record

    temperature record for May in Iceland 6.5.2013 On 2 May the automatic weather station at Brúarjökull registered a minimum temperature of -21.7°C. This is the lowest temperature ever measured in Iceland in May. However, it should be kept in mind, that the station /about-imo/news/nr/2691
  • 60. VI_2020_005

    flooding, sea level, sea level rise, risk assessment, natural hazard This work was carried out for the Icelandic Meteorological Office and is a part of Masters Thesis ISSN 1650-6553 No. 470, published by the Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University in 2019. The Masters Thesis is available as a whole at Copyright c Guðrún Elín Jóhannsdóttir Contents 1 Introduction /media/vedurstofan-utgafa-2020/VI_2020_005.pdf

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